2023-4-13 Rigging Tony

This is what the final rigging settings looks like for Tony in Character Animator. He has multiple heads because the Head Turner behavior is very important for giving crucial dynamism to the characters (not because he is a hindu god with the appearance of multiple heads.)

The trickiest part of rigging is making it so that the head can look in various positions without seeming to separate from the body or get overly distorted. It takes a good bit of nuance with respect to head and neck tag locations. Somehow, it seems like every puppet is a little bit different in how the settings need to be to make for appropriate animated movements.

Notice that the number on his shirt is chosen specifically so that when the X scale is -100, therefore flipping him horizontally, the number is not backwards.


2023-4-14 Snapshot of Brad’s DJ Fantasy


2023-4-12 Snapshot of Science class