$CARTOON coin on Solana.
If you don’t have a wallet yet, you can set up a Phantom wallet here.

Contract: EQC5uUbwMo6gWd17GqsFhHGZgS85VbneaWNwkt5nxghC

Dex Screener
Total supply = 100,000,000

Why meme?
For humanity, man.
To keep society intact, man.
To grow the community, man!

$CARTOON coin is a memecoin based on the characters from Hybrid Brad.

The mainstream media machine can’t be trusted to tell us the truth about UFOs, so spreading the word is in the hands of this community.

Make memes with these PNGs about UFOs, disclosure, extraterrestrials, and other stuff too, man!
5% of $CARTOON coin supply held for dev to HODL, promote, and all that jazz. The rest is yours.

There’s a new era ahead: We’re in this together!

Here’s Hybrid Brad if you wanna check it out, dude.

My favorite parts start at around the 14th and 20th minutes.

Hey man, Sammy here.

If you’re reading this it means you’re already inside the UFO rabbit hole or you’re about to dive in.

In either case, enjoy the ride!

UFO and UAP disclosure is slowly happening and there are way too many people that won’t be able to handle it. I mean, think about it, man.

If you’re the religious type, being told there’s an extraterrestrial species from another planet that is way more advanced than you would totally shake up your belief system.

Trust in the government is also gonna crash when whistleblowers prove that there are UFO crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs that have been operating for decades… and that they already know how to access free energy but have been keeping it from us.

We’re not going to stand for that, man! It’ll totally uproot the oil and gas industries that we rely on across the globe. It all falls apart, man.

What about some people that were abducted by aliens? Their reproductive material was taken from them and used to create hybrid beings. Some female abductees have actually met their own hybrid children… That’s way too much for most people to handle, man!

That’s why we gotta step up. We gotta uncover the truth and tell everyone in a way that won’t shock them. We gotta keep it light, man. We gotta make it fun.


Hybrid Brad is an open source cartoon.

18 cartoon characters and over 300 memeable PNG poses BELOW.

Share your images on X with tag:


Use a photograph or A.I. to make a background… then pop in some PNGs.
Each one is a button for direct access to the file.

Looking for meme ideas? Go to Topics, Characters, Story.

Or just make up your own.














A Priori

Characters in the Story but without rigged puppets.





Tall White


Hybrid Brad and $CARTOON coin are for entertainment purposes.
As an open source cartoon, it’s in the hands of the people.
There are no promises and no guarantees.