2023-2-20 Sammy in his bunker basement (again)
I think it’s safe to say that a lot of what Sammy has to say is going to be coming from his bunker. That’s where he has all his supplies, given he’s been a devout all-American prepper go many years now.
Although he tends to get his global and American events info from underground radio news sources (that push all the things he’s about), he also pays attention to what mainstream media has to say, because he wants to know what the general public is being told.
In this case, he’s remarking about the fact that US President Biden make an unannounced trip to Kiev, Ukraine to visit President Zelensky. That’s a clear communication that the US is going to have Ukraine’s back to the bitter end. He even made the trip on President’s Day.
Furthermore, Sammy is pretty convinced through the conspiracy theory circles he’s involved with that China is going to back Russia just the same amount that the US is going to back Ukraine. We’re looking at a big mess coming down the pike. Sammy’s also got an idea that a lot of this stuff is UFO related. Maybe there’s a big fleet of UFOs about to “attack” the Earth. Maybe governments know about it and need to take certain actions to keep it concealed in the public eye. Nothing like war to act as a major distraction, and if there are flashes in the sky due to the war, that’s a great cover for a UFO fleet arrival.
Oh, yeah!