2023-2-21 Character Animator Tip
This post is merely a very useful tip for the Character Animator software. You may have noticed that it can be challenging getting the Motion Library to look good with your character.
To improve the action and to make your life less frustrating, I recommend disabling the Neck tracking for improved motions.
For full scene compositions that include the Motion Library, I’ve found that it works best to record any motion for the full duration of the scene. For the example shown, I used an idle motion and set the speed to 50%. Then, I used the Dragger to put hands and feet in the right positions.
After the full duration recording, I overlaid new recordings of other motions that I wanted to incorporate, with new dragger locations as well. Then I eased the new recordings in and out of the full duration one.
It’s very useful to add a Dragger 2 behavior to the character in Rig mode so that new hand positions can be incorporated that overlay the Dragger 1 hand locations.
Definitely a trial and error bit. Enjoy your scene creation!
In addition to the mere image attached, see what I’m talking about here: https://youtu.be/OvBABRNceLo