2023-2-19 Snapshot of Sammy’s fantasy

Sammy interjects during a conversation with Brad, Mabel, and Ben with an impossible solution to a problem they are discussing.

Shown here is a snapshot from Final Cut Pro with a bunch of trees in the background that Sammy caused to instantaneously grow by tossing seeds on the ground.

The discussion Brad, Mabel, and Ben are having has to do with replanting 300 trees for every one that is cut down. In this sequence, Sammy chops a tree, it lands in a pile of cleanly cut lumber, then he claims the desert would be a good place to plant the trees because of the vast area available.

The next lines from the script address the lack of water in the desert, to which Sammy has an equally unrealistic reply.


2023-2-20 Sammy in his bunker basement (again)


2023-2-18 Sammy and the shot down UFOs