2023-2-18 Sammy and the shot down UFOs

Sammy, or as he likes to sometime call himself… Uncle Sammy, doesn’t believe for a second that the US and Canadian governments could not find the other 3 UFO debris fields after they were shot down by a fighter jet. Sure, they found the giant balloon that belonged to China, but the other crafts remain a mystery. With all the surveillance equipment the military has that can see things up close from a satellite in space, it’s hard to believe they didn’t find anything. So something’s up and Sammy ain’t taking their word for it for a second.

Sammy is a character still in development, but he seems to be exhibiting traits such as suspicion, conspiracy theorist, prepper, drunk, pro-american, and perhaps a bit of womanizing as well. Clearly, this latter part will likely need to be tamped down, but he’s just kind of inventing himself at the moment.


2023-2-19 Snapshot of Sammy’s fantasy


2023-2-17 Snapshot at BoochBen’s