2023-4-3 Snapshot Flashback
This still frame has an interesting effect going on in order to represent a flashback in a new and different way. The main scene with Rex and Brad in Brad’s bedroom as they work on the science project is still-framed and turned to black and white. The flashback moment is when a rocket that Brad made with Rex’s help crashed into a tree and caused a fire. In the main scene, Rex made reference in conversation to the rocket, and so this flashback moment appears. The moment of impact with the three is shopped into a 4 frame cut and duplicated for a total of 8. Then every other cut is reversed. This way it appears as though the rocket is making impact repeatedly. After the 8th cut, the segment plays uninterrupted, which is the moment that this image is taken from. The odd number cuts, that is, 1, 3, 5, and 7 are composited with vivid light, and the even cuts are composited with linear light. Therefore, in the final video version, the flashback involves repeated impact with a subtle flashing change in transparency.