2023-2-24 Brad, Myriam, and Rex do a commercial for cryptocurrency

The 3 cryptos mentioned at the end were randomly selected, so there’s no favoritism intended here. As Brad mentions at the end, he is not a financial adviser :)

The purpose of this segment is to see how an animation of a 3D model done in sketchup and rendered in vray works as a background to the Character Animator characters. Compiling is done in Final Cut Pro X, as usual, where moving and scaling the characters is crucial to give a realistic 3D effect.

An unusual thing happened a few times with both Myriam and Brad’s hair, but certainly is most noticeable at Brad’s character. They both are rigged to have dangling handles at the hair, and a stick that’s perpendicular to the origin of the hair piece and the dangle handle is used to create an isolated handle, and to prevent too much of the hair from bouncing around. But things got glitchy in this filming. For important productions, a re-recording of that segment will solve the problem, but since this was just for the updates blog and social media, I decided to leave it in so you see what can sometimes happen with the dangle feature.

To emphasize the fact that this clip is not incredibly important, even though I let the other computer render the 3D model animation for about 30 hours (1600x900), I messed around at the end and just let the characters slide off the stage to the sound of a record scratch. Although, Rex just did one of his standard exits in his teleporting device.


2023-2-25 Snapshot


2023-2-23 Snapshot with 5 character scene