2023-2-2 reply to a twitter post
In reply to the twitter post at the bottom of this page…
The Gray alien abduction program that began decades ago always had as its main intent the creation of a Gray-Human Hybrid species that would one day live on Earth among Humans. Female abductees have reported being introduced to their Hybrid children on subsequent abductions, but were taken aback because the child did not look quite human. The Grays have gradually refined their DNA cocktail to make a convincing enough Hybrid that they will send to Earth. The abductees report that the Hybrid children had big eyes and were telepathic.
The motivation for this is one of the two following scenarios, in my opinion:
The Grays are so old that they have already maximized their own evolution. Life has become extremely monotonous traveling around in space and/or other dimensions.
The Grays are a biological artificial intelligence life form that an advanced intelligent race created long ago to monitor the universe, like a surveillance system. The Gray A.I. beings took it upon themselves to intermingle their DNA with Humans as an experiment, out of curiosity.
In either case, a telepathic link between the Grays and their Hybrid offspring allows them to experience what the Hybrids will experience on Earth. Most importantly, because the Grays are posited to not have emotions, by being telepathically linked to a Human Hybrid that feels emotions, they themselves can sense the Human emotions as well. In this way, if (1) is the case above, then this is a means for the Grays to continue evolving but along a new path; and if (2) is the case, then the Gray A.I. beings will be able to further expand their knowledge and advance their A.I. algorithm by introducing emotions to their experiential database.
If this isn’t enough for you, then take this into consideration:
The telepathic Hybrids are unable to communicate with their mouths, and can only communicate telepathically. This wouldn’t work very well while living on Earth because the Humans would see that their mouths don’t move when they speak and they’d likely be hunted. The Grays can’t accept a decades-long hybridization program that ends in ruins like that. So, they needed a way to conceal the Hybrids’ mouths while on Earth.
Enter Covid-19 and the pandemic.
2020 was a trial run in getting most of the planet wearing masks. The perfect disguise. When it is time for the Hybrids to actually arrive to Earth, which will happen en masse during a short period of time, a new variant will be introduced that will necessitate obligatory mask wearing once again. And for good.
Just a little step further…
When the mass arrival happens, it will be coordinated with many UFO crafts. There will be hundreds of thousands or millions of Hybrids. A cover will need to be created both geopolitically and visually. This is where the war in Ukraine comes in. The threat of nuclear bombs has been growing. In concert with potential conflict in the South China Sea and from North Korea, a cover of epic blasts across the globe will allow for the UFOs to make their move. People will be in panic and will follow the rules and orders of their governments.
When all the UFO crafts are seen in the sky, the government will declare they are not UFOs because they will have guided “disclosure” so much that we’ll trust them. Instead they will claim that it is Space Force doing military exercises or engaging with the enemies. Russia has always called the war a “special military operation,” and it certainly is. All the big countries involved are aware of this Hybrid arrival agenda because it was part of the Eisenhower agreement with the Grays in the last century.
Oh, and yes… since Space Force will be declared in the news you can bet that the next president will be Trump again. Therefore, we’re looking at events that will take place 2025 or the years that follow.
This all may sound nucking futs, and you’re right. But here will be the clues: If there is a new variant that necessitates masks, if Trump becomes president again, and if there are nuclear blasts… the Hybrids are arriving.