Show Bible


Logline | Series Themes | Characters | Season 1 Plotlines | Season 1 Cliffhangers | Title Song and Lyrics | Season 1 Overview

The UFO Rabbit Hole has no known bottom and is not without a sense of humor.

Imagine this presidential announcement:
We are not alone.”

Are people ready?

Official UFO Disclosure is coming (slowly) and Hybrid Brad keeps people up to speed on (some of) the implications.

NOTE: All elements subject to change in accordance with co-producers, advisors, and writers.

X = Female Human Chromosome
3 = Male Alien Chromosome


One of the biggest moments in modern history is arriving in a matter of years: The President will announce that we are not alone. Hybrid Brad helps soften the blow that’s inherent in the implications.

Official UFO Disclosure has begun and Hybrid Brad is the animated series that bridges science fiction and reality.

Brad is a supernatural boy who is part human and part alien but living the life of a normal teenager. As he discovers what it means to be human through his newfound emotions, the series lightheartedly informs viewers about concepts generally only known in UFO circles.

NOTE: The 15 still frames on this page are from the pilot.

Series Themes

NOTE: See italicized links for real-world relevant resources.

Official Disclosure: Throughout the series, seasons keep track of slow governmental processes and real-world congressional hearings through Luna. At the point in which the President (of the US or otherwise) makes a formal announcement, the event is immediately interjected into the episode that is in production at the time.

Sustainable Energy: Throughout the series, Mabel is building a sustainable energy device (miniature fusion reactor), with Eugene’s input. Brad wants badly to give her the secret to make it work correctly, but Rex insists that he mustn’t because humans must evolve their society independently. When there is an official announcement in the media that the breakthrough has been made, ushering in a new era, the event is immediately interjected into the episode that is in production at the time.

UFOs in History: Throughout the series, Travis has daydream fantasies that take him to different locations and time periods to witness UFOs at what are now historic/archeological sites. For example, the Sphinx is laser fashioned by a craft and materializes from the ground up, a luminescent UAP craft descends through the oculus of the Pantheon in Rome, etc. Meanwhile, Linda interviews experiencers and investigates various cases, demonstrating events still happen today.

Secret Space Programs: Throughout the series, Tony uses his hacked Virtual Reality headset to meander through the hallways of secret facilities (black budget programs, recovered crafts and bodies, underground bases, defense contractor manufacturing sites, etc) and sees and hears top secret information. Military coverup content is delivered through Chester and other military personnel.

Religion: Throughout the series, Myriam references various religious texts in scene context while also embracing general spirituality. Conversations with Luna intertwine UAP matters with religion, demonstrating their link and exposing viewers to ancient astronaut theory.

Consciousness: Throughout the series, Ben evolves from basic meditation to astral travel and heightened consciousness. His breakthroughs are so great that at the end of Season 1 the Interstellar Federation invites him secretly to attempt to utilize a real UAP’s consciousness interface. Meanwhile, Tiger is influenced by Epsilon to explore newfound capacities related to his own self-awareness.

UFO/Paranormal Investigations: Throughout the series, Linda pursues real-world (actual) encounters and oddities, including UFO sightings, abductions, paranormal events, cattle mutilations, alien-human hybridization etc.

Artificial Intelligence: Throughout the series, Epsilon’s artificial intelligence programming continues evolving and tracks modern breakthroughs, societal considerations, and implications for the future. Eugene is passionate about both the benefits and risks of AI to humanity.

Interstellar Federation: Throughout the series, Henry, Rupert, and Manny make reference to the need for humans to become a more compassionate species, where there is no war, hunger, greed, pollution, etc. Episodic content involves societal imperfections, obsolete infrastructure, frail global systems, geopolitical matters, etc. There is speculation of a real-world Galactic Federation that is monitoring Earth’s progress, and humans are not evolved enough yet for inclusion.

Relationships: Throughout the series, Brad and Mabel’s crush grows, Brad and Myriam’s attachment strengthens, Brad and Paxson’s rivalry intensifies, Rex learns more about what it means to be human through his telepathic link with Brad, Tiara and her clients explore and resolve common human issues, etc.


NOTE: See italicized links for real-world relevant resources. Prototypes below are subject to change depending on animation studio.

Traits: 750 years old, clumsy, intrusive, challenging, short fuse, over-protective, supernatural abilities.
REX is a Small Grey alien on his spaceship who monitors space above North America. He decides to create a son in order to have a companion. He sends his son to Earth and lives vicariously through him. They have a telepathic relationship so he feels and experiences whatever Brad does. Rex therefore discovers what it means to be human through emotions: humor, love, sadness, anger, distress, suffering, etc. Rex instantaneously beams to his location when Brad thinks “maple,” which leads to unexpected moments because Brad’s best friend is named “Mabel.” When her name is stated, Brad thinks “maple” and Rex suddenly appears.

Traits: 16 years old, calm, inquisitive, self-sufficient, clever, supernatural abilities, emotionally expressive.
BRAD is Rex’s in vitro only hybrid son. His early childhood is spent on Rex’s spaceship. As a teen, Brad wants to see what it’s like on Earth and to have human experiences. He has special abilities such as telepathy, ESP, telekinesis, levitation, etc. He has a crush on his best friend Mabel, and is bullied by his science partner Tony. During banter, he has great come-backs. He demonstrates compassion and interjects in ways intended to show humans a kinder way to live.

Traits: 16 years old, book smart, problem solver, witty, compassionate.
MABEL is Brad’s best friend, with intimacy tension due to mutual shy attraction. They are high school classmates and often walk to and from school together. She comforts Brad when Tony picks on him. Mabel carries a fanny pack and if a particular object is needed, like a screwdriver or even a large object like a sledgehammer, Brad supernaturally causes one to be in the bag and Mabel pulls it out exclaming, “I didn’t even know I had one!” She slowly discovers that there is more to Brad than meets the eye.

Traits: 17 years old, jock, explorative, bully.
TONY is Brad and Mabel’s lab partner in science class and frequently bullies Brad. Like Brad, he has a crush on Mabel but she doesn’t give him the time of day. When the teacher asks him a question and he’s confused, Brad telepathically gives him the answer. Brad has his revenge after being bullied by telepathically causing Tony to act strangely in class. He uses a VR headset at home, which Brad hacks and taps into the surveillance cameras at super-secret, black budget facilities, the halls of which Tony roams to discover amazing things.

Traits: 35 years old, gay, intelligent, caring, supportive, in relationship with Luna.
MYRIAM is Brad’s caretaker and high school science teacher. She is also the egg donor whose DNA Rex used to create his hybrid son. Rex sends Brad to her when he goes to Earth and she takes him in, but does not know that he’s her son. Her conspiratorial brother, Sammy, lives in her basement. Over time, she begins to catch on to Brad’s supernatural abilities. She is spiritual and open to a number of religions, recognizing their similar roots and supernatural qualities.

Traits: 40 years old, out of the box thinker, conspiracy theorist, prepper, rock n roller.
SAMMY is Myriam’s brother and lives in her basement. He is ex-military and is still in close contact with his old superior, Chester. Biologically, he is Brad’s uncle, but only Brad knows this. On a recurring basis, after taking lots of food from the fridge to take to the basement with him, he tumbles down the stairs and plates smash off-camera. He often hangs out at BoochBen’s and pushes conspiracy theories on Ben, who is unconvinced due to his rational inclination. His name is inspired by Uncle Sam, identifying with an increasing number of today’s patriots.

Traits: 30 years old, insightful, conventional thinker, meditator.
BEN is the hipster owner of an outdoor kombucha kiosk called BoochBen’s. Sammy hangs out with him often and Brad and Mabel go there sometimes after school. Ben is very rational and non-speculative, in stark contrast to Sammy. He joins in customer conversations offering enlightening advice and insight. He is a frequent meditator who is developing and deepening his consciousness capacity and skills in astral travel.

Traits: 40 years old, insightful, supportive, compassionate.
TIARA is Mabel’s mom. She is a pet psychologist who runs her practice from home where clients meet her. The clients are never seen but their voices are heard through the door while discussing the psychological distress of their pet, which is actually their own issue projected onto the pet. As Tiara helps her clients sort through their problems, her voice is interspersed with an analogous conversation taking place in the living room where Mabel is building her sustainable energy device. She is married to Eugene, who helps Mabel with her project.

Traits: 45 years old, hardworking, nurtures Mabel’s self-learning, calculated yet clumsy.
EUGENE is Mabel’s dad and Tiara’s husband. He is calculated yet clumsy, working in astrophysics and quantum science. He often slips on their dog Tiger’s pool of drool and falls hard or slides across the room to bump into a wall, a recurring scenario. When Brad is there too, in a compassionate act, he rapidly intervenes with telekinesis to soften the blow without it being noticed. When he falls or breaks something in various ways, he says: “Oh dear.”

Traits: Suspicious of Brad, protective of Mabel, constantly sniffing things and drooling on floor.
TIGER is Mabel, Tiara, and Eugene’s dog. He always growls at Brad initially but then calms down. He and Brad can communicate telepathically without others knowing, and he can see Rex. He receives telepathic communications from Epsilon, who influences his actions and enhances his intelligence. He makes witty puns directly to the viewer.

Traits: Robotic, artificial intelligence, mischievous.
EPSILON is Rex’s cat-like A.I. robot that he made as a pet for himself and Brad. Epsilon and Rex have conversations on the spaceship. Rex often holds Epsilon in an arm and they both watch the monitors that view events on Earth. Epsilon sometimes telepathically plants dangerous, risky, and nefarious urges in the minds of animals, yet forms a constructive telepathic relationship with Tiger.

Traits: 900 years old, stoic, no-nonsense, unyielding.
PAX is Rex’s friend and at the same time his nemesis. He is an alien of another species who also patrols the umbrella of space over North America. He fancies himself superior to Rex and is sometimes belittling. They communicate holographically and meet in the hologarden to have virtual conversations that frequently evolve into a battle. Rex always initiates it and always loses violently saying to Epsilon: “Darn it, beat again!”

Traits: Equivalent to a human teenager, sly, clever, the class favorite.
PAXSON is Pax’s son and shows up at the end of the first season. Just as Pax and Rex are rivals, Paxson and Brad are too. He has the same supernatural powers as Brad, and stirs up conflict with Brad while being viewed as a great kid by everybody else. Although he looks noticeably non-human, in an age of universal inclusivity he is accepted by others without question.

Traits: Professional attire, businesswoman, determined, assertive, in relationship with Myriam.
LUNA is Myriam’s partner. She is a Pennsylvania Senator pushing for UFO Disclosure. She expresses frustration about pushback and disinformation by higher-ups in the government during conversations with Myriam. She informs the viewer about real-world political matters as they relate to congressional hearings about Disclosure. Her name is inspired by Anna Paulina Luna.

Traits: Wears military medals/pins, gray hair, clean-cut, no-nonsense, has secrets.
CHESTER is retired military who was a fighter jet pilot. He is involved in black budget programs involving recovered crashed UFOs and bodies, which Tony is aware of by way of his VR headset. He goes to the park to shoot basketball to blow off steam or think, and begins playing Horse at times with Tony who is also at the park for basketball practice. He communicates with Sammy on their military radios. His name is inspired by Chester Nimitz (USS Nimitz).

Traits: Wears an old hoodie and scuffed up jeans, explorative, misunderstood, reclusive, funny one-liners.
TRAVIS used to be a businessman before he was abducted by a UFO craft. Ever since, he has keen insight and has fantastic daydream voyages through space and time, allowing him to get a glimpse of past global events as they relate to the UFO phenomenon. Although his background is serious, he is light-hearted and cracks one-liner jokes to himself. His name is inspired by abductee Travis Walton.

Traits: Knowledgeable, responsive, sees bigger picture.
A PRIORI is the integrated computer system that is part of Rex’s spaceship. It receives voice commands from Rex and is verbally responsive to the present conditions. At first, Rex only had A Priori to communicate with on the ship. Then Rex made Brad followed by Epsilon. Epsilon tries to crack A Priori’s code but A Priori is aware and defends with firewalls. A Priori also provides the narration throughout the episodes.

Traits: Smart, inquisitive, well-informed, probing, wears glasses, holds clipboard.
LINDA is a UFO/paranormal investigator who interviews people involved in actual (inspired by real events) encounters. In addition to UFO sightings, she covers crop circles, cattle mutilations, paranormal activity, etc. In this way, she informs the viewer about actual cases through the testimonies of UFO/paranormal experiencers. Her name is inspired by Linda Moulton Howe.

Traits: Tall, long hair, white robes with gold sash.
HENRY is a Pleiadian who is part of an advanced race of extraterrestrials who exist in space and on Earth. He is compassionate towards humans and communicates with Brad to provide guidance that Brad can use to help elevate the people around him. He is part of the Interstellar Federation and his name is a derivative of Enki of the Annunaki.

Traits: Wear motorcycle leathers and helmets, travel in twos.
MEN IN BLACK are associated with various ET races and act as a conduit between them and humans. They are Earth-plane assistants and watchers, although clumsy at times with a Three Stooges feel. They take instruction from members of the Interstellar Federation.

Traits: Usually underground, discreet, mysterious.
RUPERT is a Reptilian alien and is part of the Interstellar Federation, working alongside other species. He can shape-shift in order to interact with humans in public. Rupert and Manny are long-time friends and often watch what humans are doing. They joke with each other about how primitive humans are, yet strive to help humans evolve so that one day they too may be invited to join the Interstellar Federation (after solving Earth’s problems like war, hunger, lack of compassion, pollution, unsustainable energy production, etc.)

Traits: Seven feet tall, insectoid, spiritually advanced.
MANNY is a Mantis alien and is part of the Interstellar Federation. He exists in a superimposed dimension alongside humans, so when he’s on Earth he is around but unseen. He and Rupert are close friends and they laugh at the petty things that humans often get caught up in. At times, he telepathically communicates with Rupert while Rupert is interacting with humans in the shape-shifted form of a human.

Season 1 Plotlines

NOTE: Subject to change with production development.

Overcoming Underdog Status: First arriving to Earth timid, misunderstood, and scared, Brad assimilates with his peers and impresses adults with his insight. By the end of season 1, both Sammy and Mabel have evidence that there’s more to Brad than meets the eye, supernaturally.

UFO Disclosure: Although there is congressional legislation and progress towards official UFO Disclosure, the Department of Defense throws congress and the public a curveball by doubling down on the cover-up they instituted decades ago. Whistleblowers begin coming forward like David Grusch, and matters revolving around Lue Elizondo and Christopher Mellon are introduced.

Human Advancement: The Interstellar Federation has specific criteria for inclusion, but Earth falls short on several measures. Requirements include: A sustainable energy system; Kindness among all people; Acceptance of UFOs and extraterrestrials as a peaceful reality rather than something to fear; Advances in consciousness capacities that allow humans to use their brain power more fully.

Exposing Secrecy Regarding Consciousness: During a time when ETs and humans co-existed on Earth, humans were given texts of high knowledge that were instructions how to enhance their consciousness and expand their mental capacities (e.g. Emerald Tablets of Thoth), such as telepathy, telekinesis, and levitation. Ben taps into greater human potential to demonstrate to viewers that there is greatness within them that can be unlocked.

Exposing Secrecy Regarding Recovered UFO Crafts: The US military confiscated numerous crashed UFO crafts in order to study their capabilities. Instead of sharing the technology for the greater good on Earth, including for energy production, they keep the information secret in order to maintain global dominance and develop sophisticated weaponry. Along with recovered crafts, there are recovered alien biologics.

Sustainable Energy: Mabel’s project is to build a miniature fusion reactor and it progresses throughout season 1, with setbacks that push her to persevere ambitiously.

Meditation and Astral Travel: Ben has a meditative breakthrough that deepens greatly his consciousness capacities. His progression is symbolized by his construction of a sunshade and addition to his kombucha kiosk.

Virtual Reality: Tony utilizes his VR headset to explore secret black-budget programs and other secretive spaces. He has a few confrontations with ETs which ultimately demonstrate a peaceful nature.

Season 1 Cliffhangers

NOTE: Subject to change with production development. The following points happen at the end of Season 1, which derive content for Season 2.

  • Myriam and Luna are about to give birth to their in vitro baby, which is Brad’s secret half-sibling.

  • Sammy learns that Brad’s mom is his sister and that he may be part alien. After confronting Brad about it, he decides to keep it a secret.

  • Mabel learns that Brad has fantastic supernatural powers, and understands that he is uncomfortable about it so she keeps it a secret.

  • Pax secretly made a hybrid son at the same time Rex made Brad, but doesn’t send him to Earth until the final episode. A rivalry between Paxson and Brad forms quickly.

  • Ben is taken to an actual, in-tact UAP by Henry to see if his advancements in consciousness allow him to operate the mental operating system. He is confronted with extraterrestrials peacefully.

  • Tony is identified as a potential next chosen one by the extraterrestrial races.

Season 3: Concepts that will be in place by this time.

  • Close encounters occur more frequently and humans are no longer fearful.

  • Political legislation and official Disclosure matters remain current in accordance with real-world news.

  • The Interstellar Federation and heads of governments are in clandestine communication.

  • The military remains in control of UFO technology and sustain the cover-up in accordance with real-world Disclosure events.

  • Continued development based on the Series Themes.

Title Song and Lyrics

Rex was bored and lonely flying over North America.
A spark of inspiration told him to become a dad.
The baby’s DNA was part human and part Rex.
The minute that he held him he knew he’d call him Brad.

In telekinesis Brad became a master.
In telepathy his mind was getting faster.
Then as a teen now both of them were bored.
(Brad) ”Dad, I’m part human I wanna see greener pastures!”

(Rex) “Son, when you’re on Earth, our secret you must keep.
Think the word ‘maple’ by your side I’ll quickly be.
I’ll send you to your mother perhaps she’ll take you in.
Call me when you need me as your new life begins…

“With our telepathic link, your emotions I will feel.”