2024-03-29 Unravelling the Universe - Danny Sheehan interview

If you think these concepts are purely in the realm of science fiction, watch the video below and think again:

  • An Intergalactic Federation that includes species such as Mantis aliens, Reptilians, Tall Grays, Small Greys, and others.

  • A secret program where recovered UFOs are reverse-engineered and alien biologics are studied.

  • Living EBE’s (extraterrestrial biological entities), aka non-human alien intelligences, are hidden away yet interact with a very select few humans here on Earth.

  • Abductions and a hybridization program where aliens mix their DNA with that of humans.

  • And more stuff that you’d be surprised is actually real.

Incidentally, the host of the podcast, Ben Sinclair, is on board the animated series production as the voice of Epsilon. So perfect!


2024-04-21 UFO Rabbit Hole - Resources


2024-3-27 Updated Show Bible