2023-2-9 Introducing Ben

Ben runs a kombucha stand that Brad and Mabel often hang out at. He sometimes joins in on conversations. A friend of his, Sammy, also spends time at the stand just killing time since he doesn’t have much better to do. Sammy has yet to be rigged and introduced, and he happens to be Brad’s uncle. If you watched the title sequence video, then you’d guess correctly if you thought Sammy is Myriam’s brother. Remember, Myriam is Brad’s mother because she donated one of her eggs, which Rex obtained in order to create a hybrid son. You’re following along with all this, right?

The background image in the video below was generated by Open A.I.’s Dall-E, but only the gravel part was used for the scene with Ben’s stand in it. The image was spliced together with another tree-lined image made with Dall-E. Incidentally, all of the components of the BoochBen stand were made with artificial intelligence. A funny side note… I wanted to have hippy-ish peace signs hanging on Ben’s stand, and when I generated them the A.I. scrambled the word “peace” and even invented altogether different words. I kept them because they’ll be something of an inside joke, although I don’t think Dall-E is laughing. Maybe Salvadore Dali’ would laugh, but Open AI’s… no.

Episode 1 of Season 1 is moving along smoothly. Oh, and in case you’re unaware, the character above named Rex is an alien who spends most of his time on a UFO. The savvy of you know that I threw this sentence in here for the web crawlers :)


2023-2-10 Addition at beginning of episode


2023-2-7 Introducing Mabel