A human-alien hybrid boy arrives to Earth in search of his inner purpose. He finds that some humans are kind and nurturing while others are mean and deceitful. His mother is a science teacher who is religious and spiritual while her partner is a politician pushing for UFO Disclosure. His biological uncle unravels conspiracies while his military colleague is embedded in a reverse-engineering program. His father Rex learns what it means to be human vicariously through him while he gets caught up in a clandestine space battle. The mysteries of human consciousness unfold as the past and present converge to reveal that science fiction is becoming a reality.
Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8 | Episode 9 | Episode 10 | Episode 11 | Episode 12
Episode 1
A1: Rex’s spaceship descends to Earth’s surface, and Light Pawns are watching. Brad is dropped off and gets hurt, then Myriam takes him inside to tend to his wound. Luna discusses the 2017 release of the Tic Tac UFO video with a colleague. Sammy has a military flashback when he sees Brad because his eyes remind him of an alien he saw in the desert overseas. Myriam takes shy Brad to school and sits him next to Tony and Mabel. The class lesson is pollution. Tony makes fun of Brad. Rex learns what the emotion humiliation is.
A2: Pax indicates the Earth is not ready to join the Interstellar Federation. Mabel decides to build a clean energy device for a competition. Eugene tells Mabel she needs to keep components clean for proper operation. Tiara’s client complains of her pet’s cleanliness. Ben brings Brad out of his shell and he speaks for the first time. Brad inspires Ben to build a sunshade for his kombucha stand seating area.
A3: Brad witnesses Travis using an inter-dimensional teleportal. Travis travels to a sustainable world in the Interstellar Federation and sees the Tall Whites (pro) and their UAP. Luna indicates the public may not be ready for official UFO Disclosure, although the Tic Tac video seems like it’s beginning. Brad has a nightmare that he’s naked in front of class. Myriam tends to Brad after the nightmare and offers him to stay so she can care for him. Brad stands up to his class adversary Tony using his special powers, and Mabel becomes his ally.
Outside at dusk, two Light Pawns are side-by-side on motorcycles, wearing light leathers and helmets. Rex's craft descends rapidly, they see it and turn a corner to accellerate towards it. They stop at a neighborhood corner and watch.
In a field behind a home in a neighborhood, Rex's craft is on the ground and rapidly ascends. There is rustling in the bushes. Brad lifts his head and looks around. He is vulnerable, hurt, and scared; trembling at the sight of his own blood on his elbow. Myriam arrives home, sees him, he remains silent, and she brings him inside to care for his wound. The Light Pawns race off.
Inside their home, Luna is on the phone discussing the 2017 NY Times article about the Tic Tac UFO caught on gun camera video of a fighter jet. Sammy enters and, when he sees Brad's eyes, has a flashback of a UFO sighting involving an alien encounter in the desert during his military service. Brad's eyes remind him of the alien's black eyes. He snaps out of it and greets him kindly. Luna hangs up and they talk about the Tic Tac. Sammy speaks while grabbing food from the fridge. Myriam's input is religious/spiritual as she finishes bandaging Brad. Sammy precariously closes the basement door behind him with his foot but falls down the stairs with a crash.
In class, Myriam introduces shy Brad, kids snicker at his appearance. She sits him next to Mabel and Tony. When she says Mabel's name, Rex appears and Brad explains telepathically that he accidentally thought "maple" when Mabel's name was stated. Myriam teaches and discusses the vulnerability of planet Earth, and how people need to take care of it, in the context of pollution and air quality. Myriam asks a question and calls on Tony, who doesn't know the answer. Brad feels bad for him and telepathically tells him the answer. Tony blurts it out and challenges Brad that he probably didn't even know: "Weirdo!" Brad feels humiliated and looks down. Rex senses his emotion, expressing it similarly. A Priori's voiceover informs Rex the emotion is called humiliation. Mabel feels bad for him and is comforting. Rex points out that some people will be nice and other people mean, and that Brad will need to be careful who he interacts with. Brad telepathically: "Being human might be more difficult than I thought." Myriam mentions a national clean energy individual student project competition; Mabel is interested.
Rex and Pax are in the hologarden. [NOTE: Each hologarden scene is in a unique location, and when Rex proclaims a battle it switches to a unique battle/challenge environment.] Pax states that the Interstellar Federation welcomed a new planetary community, where the criteria is constructive symbiosis, peace among people, good stewards of their planet, a sustainable energy source, etc. Pax insults Rex by offending his energy system, so Rex challenges him to a battle while declaring a new environment for the hologarden. Rex loses violently.
On his spaceship, Rex and a hologram of Pax are on pads that access the hologarden and in separate beams of light. Rex's light vanishes when he loses the battle. Pax dematerializes while laughing at Rex, uttering a final insult. Epsilon points out even those that consider themselves advanced can have their missteps. A Priori reassures Rex.
At Mabel's, she decides on the project for the national energy competition: a miniature fusion reactor. Tiger is napping on the floor with a puddle of drool forming. Behind a door is the home office, where Tiara's client is complaining that her dog keeps making a mess, but she's talking about herself and her own cleanliness problems. (NOTE: When Tiara is with a client, we hear what they say behind the door but don’t see them.) Conversations are interspersed as Eugene explains that the parts need to be clean to work well together; even a speck of dust can cause a problem later. Tiara sees her client out and asks Mabel how school was. Mabel explains it was about air quality and greenhouse gas, and Tiara remarks that trees are great for cleaning air naturally. Eugene goes to get a microfiber towel for Mabel but slips on Tiger's drool. He slides across the room and smashes into the wall. Eugene: "Oh dear!" Tiger remarks to the camera that Eugene needs to be more careful. He then passes gas silently and Mabel quickly moves a small plant close to his rear.
In the park at BoochBen's (a simple cart with an umbrella over the drink taps, with high-top tables that are unshaded), Sammy and Brad arrive. Sammy remarks that Brad hasn't said a word all day. Ben says he was a shy kid too and gives guidance to Brad that there are challenges in life but that he can persevere by knowing his inner truth and following his heart. Brad remains shy and closed-off, with his head down and fists clenched. Ben is supportive and constructive while Sammy counters with advice of self-reliance and caution. Ben continues that Brad needs to discover who he really is on the inside. Brad opens one hand and uses it to pry open the fingers on his other hand. Brad speaks for the first time out loud: "The me inside me?" Intrigued, he lifts his head and engages with them in conversation. Brad is noticeably disturbed by the direct sun on his skin. Ben gets inspired to build a shade canopy for his customers.
Still in the park, Brad sees a mysterious flash in the distance. He projects his consciousness to the area and sees Travis brushing off his arms and legs next to a swirling, illuminated teleportal. He is disturbed by a ringing in his head before it fades away as the teleportal closes to a green illuminated dot. He cracks a one-liner. Threatened by security guards approaching who say they'll call the cops on vagrants, Travis opens the teleportal by waving his hand across the hovering green dot light, jumps in and vanishes. Brad quickly retracts his consciousness again. Sammy and Ben remark on Brad's daydreaming distraction daze. Sammy and Brad leave.
With a visual effect of traveling through the teleportal, Travis arrives to a planet as described by Pax that is in the Interstellar Federation. There is clear order among the people, who are working together harmoniously and in peace. Among them is an advanced race called the Tall Whites (pro) and their luminescent UAP crafts are hovering above, with a large one higher overhead. Travis jokes how far off Earth is compared to this. A subtle ringing increases loudly in Travis' head. He looks around and sees a green dot light hovering. He waves his hand across it to open a teleportal and dives in. Effect transition to...
Dream effect looking at the door threshold of the classroom. Brad walks in naked with his hands over his privates. All the kids laugh. Brad's screaming voice subtly increases in volume.
At home, Luna and Myriam discuss how the Tic Tac opens the door to what may eventually become official UFO Disclosure, with a sense that the public may be unprepared and therefore vulnerable. They hear Brad scream loudly in his room. She runs quickly.
Myriam enters his room to comfort him. Brad uses telepathy and makes an emotional connection with her. Myriam says that if they can't find who he belongs to then she will take care of him. She says a prayer that startles him because of imagery he imagines (Now I lay me down to sleep…I pray the Lord my soul to take), followed by an idiom that scares him because of imagery he imagines (Don't let the bed bugs bite). He pulls the covers tightly to his chin. She reassures him that he's safe. Brad: "Thanks M... Myriam." (He almost says Mom.)
In class, Tony makes fun of Brad for smelling weird. He uses his unique powers to telepathically make Tony behave strangely in front of everyone, standing up for himself against his new adversary. He secures a bond with Mabel as an ally. Rex sees on his monitor through the window of the school that Brad is assimilating with his peers, but he still has a lot to learn about people and their customs. Epsilon remarks on the unpredictability of people as A Priori encourages Rex to be optimistic.
Episode 2
A1: Sammy informs Chester that a UAP disabled an aircraft carrier and nuclear submarine, and Chester is upset he didn’t know sooner. Luna says Luis Elizondo came forward, and Sammy says there are cover-ups and secret black budget programs.
A2: Chester blows off steam by shooting hoops at the basketball courts, and Mabel and Brad are near a playground. Epsilon recodes himself to allow for telepathy and he uses it on a bird in the park to cause a boy to fall off the jungle gym, but Brad telekinetically saves him from a hard landing. Rex learns about the emotion relief. Chester is told by the military that UAP events are more frequent, and he’s called out of retirement. Tony finds an unopened VR headset gift in his room. He tries it out and likes it. Brad meets Tiger at Mabel’s house and they telepathically communicate. Brad telepathically hacks Tony’s VR headset so it feeds the live surveillance cameras of black budget facilities.
A3: Eugene tells Mabel and Brad about the Oumuamua fly-by and debris spherules in the ocean. Tiara’s client complains her pet has a secret world of its own. Tiger can see Rex when he beams into scene, instead of just Brad seeing him. Ben begins building the sunshade at BoochBen’s, and Sammy talks to him conspiratorially that the government has secrets. Chester enters a black budget facility, and Tony sees him on his VR headset. Tony explores to discover a craft built by the military using reverse-engineered technology.
At his home, Chester recalls a UAP close encounter when he was a fighter jet pilot, while looking at a map on his wall with the Bermuda Triangle delineated. Sammy radios him and they discuss a recent UAP event involving the military, where an aircraft carrier and nuclear submarine are disabled. Chester is upset because he is normally one of the first to know about these events.
At home, Luna tells Myriam that Luis Elizondo came forward. Sammy emerges into the room and Myriam announces Brad may stay awhile. Brad telepathically suggests to Sammy that he's his uncle, and Sammy warms up to him. Luna resumes her subject and Myriam interjects with analagous religious/spiritual comments. Sammy stacks food to take with him downstairs, contributing conspiratorially to the conversation with his back turned. He goes to his door and tries to close it no-handed while saying that there's always been a UFO coverup and that there are secret black budget programs. Brad senses that there is truth to the statement. Sammy manages to close the door but falls down the stairs with a crash.
In the park, Chester is shooting hoops by himself to blow off steam, thinking about UAP as a threat to US airspace and undersea. By a playground, Brad and Mabel are chatting; Mabel with an activist sign.
On the spaceship, Epsilon watches on the monitor as Rex naps. Mischieveously, he telepathically commands a bird to swoop repeatedly towards a boy and causes him to fall off the top of the jungle gym. Brad sees him falling and panics, but discreetly saves the boy telekinetically by making him land on his feet. Epsilon reacts vocally, waking Rex. Still on the monitor, Brad is relieved he saw the boy in time. Rex: "Phew." A Priori indicates to Rex that the emotion he is feeling is relief. Rex activates the hologarden.
In the park at the courts, Chester is told by secure phone that UAP events are more frequent now and he is being called out of retirement. He is upset at first but becomes determined as he packs his sports bag.
In the hologarden, Rex brags to Pax that Brad secretly came to the rescue with his superior powers. Pax belittles humans for their lack of such powers, causing Rex to get angry since his son is part human. He battles Pax and loses.
On the spaceship, Pax gives Rex a one-liner jab and laughs as he dematerializes off the hologarden pad. Epsilon points out to the audience that, while Rex was in the hologarden, he gave himself more power by recoding himself to allow for telepathy. A Priori indicates that he's aware of the recoding but Rex is not.
At home, Tony is in his room being bratty by throwing a tennis ball through his open window at kids on bikes. He misses and the ball rolls down the gutter into the sewer. He slams his hand on the window sill, injuring himself. He sits on the bed, calms down, and looks at an unopened gift box. He lifts the lid and it contains a Virtual Reality (VR) headset; he tries it out and likes it: "Woah, cool!"
At home, Mabel and Brad do homework. Tiger growls at Brad, who calms him telepathically as they meet for the first time. They communicate together telepathically in secret. Tiara is having an introductory conversation with a client behind her office door; conversations are interspersed. Brad looks through the window and sees Tony across the street in his bedroom using the VR headset. Brad recalls what Sammy said and telepathically hacks the VR system so that the imagery Tony gets is the live feed of the surveillance cameras inside top-secret black budget facilities. Tony is intrigued by the changed virtual environment (POV VR headset).
At home, Eugene walks in pushing a whiteboard on wheels and starts writing chemical compound equations and drawing diagrams. He tells Mabel and Brad about an interstellar meteor (Oumuamua), which may be a secret probe, and that scientists are studying debris (spherules) in the ocean that has an unknown, extraplanetary chemical composition. Tiara's client complains her pet cat is sneaking out and has its own secret world. Rex appears because Mabel's name is stated; Tiger growls because he can see him. Brad telepathically calms him and the three banter telepathically. As Tiara and her client discuss the cat's nightly adventure, Eugene is diagramming and talking about Oumuamua's adventure hurtling through space, in an interspersed conversation. Eugene's marker runs out of ink. Brad telekinetically makes one appear in Mabel's bag and tells her to grab it. Mabel: "I didn't even know I had one!" Brad uses it to simplify Eugene's equation and hands him the marker as Eugene rubs his chin.
In the park at BoochBen's, Sammy and Ben discuss contemporary UFO podcasts, initiated by Sammy. Ben has a pile of wood by his kombucha cart as he begins to build a sunshade. Sammy indicates he thinks the government knows more than it's telling. Ben is skeptical due to his rationality. Sammy brings up mysterious events and challenges Ben to explain them all away.
Outside a govenment building, there's an old, torn, and weathered flyer posted on a lamp post with Uncle Sam's image. Chester enters and he walks through high-security corridors finally arriving in a secret room. As he walks, the POV is Tony's VR headset. Tony sees and hears Chester talking about recovered UAP fragments and the secret reverse-engineering program. Tony explores the area and arrives at a fantastic craft built locally with reverse-engineered technology. There are military personelle tending to it.
Episode 3
A1: Myriam discusses prehistory and Neanderthal man in class. Brad and Tony dispute while Mabel sides with Brad. Luna looks at luminous UAP photos and Myriam says they look like angels. Pax says the Interstellar Federation probably won’t accept humans because their natural evolution and DNA was tampered with. Rex questions himself for tampering with human DNA to make Brad.
A2: After witnessing the Tall Whites (pro) helping early humans build the Pyramids at Giza and the Sphinx, Travis arrives in present day using the teleportal. Brad sees from a distance that Travis is melancholy and projects his consciousness inside Travis’ mind to see his backstory. Travis was abducted by a UFO of biological A.I. aliens, and ever since has been able to access the teleportals. Linda interviews an abductee with a similar story but different after-effects than Travis’. Ben is meditating at BoochBen’s, and Brad telepathically opens up a channel in his Chi that expands Ben’s consciousness capabilities. Rex wants Brad to come back to the UFO so that humans can progress on their own. Brad won’t go. Rex learns about the emotion indignance.
A3: Myriam discusses Darwinism and the missing link in class. Tiara’s client is distressed that her dog’s puppy is growing up so fast, as Eugene prepares food metaphorically. Tiger says it’s easy being an instinctual dog. Epsilon says instinct is like an algorithm. Brad has a bad dream about the biological A.I. aliens, and Myriam comforts him. Brad asks her about the missing link in evolution, and she reassures him that a leap in evolution can be a good thing.
In class, Myriam discusses prehistory and early man, Neanderthal, with an old reel movie projector. She wants to point things out on the screen but remarks that she didn't bring her laser pointer. Brad telekinetically makes one appear in Mabel's bag. He tells her to grab it. Mabel: "I didn't even know I had one!" Brad and Tony trade jabs, with Mabel siding with Brad. Myriam switches to a modern slide projector that has pictures of rock drawings; the last one has stars in a particular formation. At the bell, Mabel tells Brad she'll catch up with him after school.
At home, Myriam arrives and Luna tells her about a luminous UAP sighting while looking at a photograph, where the crafts are in the same formation as the stars in the rock drawing. Myriam remarks that they look like spirits or angels. On the wall there is a buddhist picture where gods in orbs make the same formation as well.
In the hologarden, Pax tells Rex humans will probably not get into the Interstellar Federation because humans didn't evolve naturally and their DNA was interfered with, so they lack certain understandings and symbiosis with Earth. Rex agrees that shortcuts can make a species miss an important step. But, Rex roots for humans because his son is half, and he has hope humans will get on the right path. Pax accuses Rex of contributing to the human problem by sending Brad. Rex is offended, battles Pax and loses.
On Rex's spaceship, Pax takes a jab as he laughs and dematerializes. Rex has doubts about creating Brad and sending him to Earth. Epsilon points out that the wheels are already in motion. A Priori encourages hope.
Outside in present day, after a fantastic voyage to an ancient site where Tall Whites (pro) assist early humans to build the Pyramids at Giza and the Sphinx, Travis appears through a teleportal. The ringing in his head fades. He cracks a one-liner. From afar while walking on the sidewalk, Brad sees Travis look around with melancholy and sit on the sidewalk with his back against a building. Brad projects his consciousness into Travis' mind and he gets his backstory: He is a businessman but his life changes after a UFO abduction. The small craft takes him out of his car at night. He regains consciousness on the craft, which has an immense interior, and fights off the tall gray aliens (which are biological A.I.) A hovering green dot light appears and is accompanied by a painful ringing in his ear. He pushes the dot light away to try to stop the sound but a teleportal opens. He curiously puts his hand in and gets drawn inside completely. Brad recedes his consciousness, approaches Travis, and sits and chats with him compassionately. Travis appreciates it. Mabel catches up; she and Brad walk together.
At someone's front door, Linda knocks while looking at her notepad, which has a sketch of a reptilian bi-ped with the words "shape-shifter." The door opens, she flips the page, and interviews a UFO abductee who describes lost time, the same alien species as Travis’ experience, a scar on her abdomen, and nightmares. She makes no mention of a ringing in her head.
Brad and Mabel get to BoochBen's while Ben is meditating in lotus foot on a high-top. Sammy claims he can do it just as good, jumping on a high-top, but almost falls and hurts himself; he would have if Brad didn't intervene telekinetically. Ben tells Sammy it takes years, and that his skill continues deepening. With Ben still in posture, Brad telepathically suggests an improvement to deepen Ben's meditation, sending a thoughtwave that makes Ben shiver along the spine. Ben visualizes his own chakras glowing from the tailbone through the top of his head. Synapses flicker and his pineal gland glows. He gets the chills, opens his eyes, and smiles in euphoria. He shakes it off and serves beverages. Mabel's name is stated. Rex appears and warns Brad not to interfere with human progress in any way (but now it's too late). For fear of further damage to natural human evolution, Rex suggests Brad come back to his spaceship. Brad indignantly refuses, taking a stand for himself. A Priori's voiceover indicates what Rex feels is indignance.
In class, Myriam discusses Darwinism and the missing link, emphasizing there was a leap in human evolution. She calls on Brad, Mabel, and Tony for a demonstration before the class. Tony insults Brad who telepathically causes him to behave strangely in front of everyone. Tony shakes it off as the kids are laughing. Brad and Mabel giggle together.
At home, Tiara is with a client who's complaining that her dog Flower gave birth and the puppy is growing up fast, but it's really about her own child. Hearing them speak, Eugene is cooking in the kitchen in metaphorical action with the ingredients: "It's natural for offspring to individuate" (an egg rolls quickly away from the others); "A dog needs to let her puppy explore but be there to protect" (Eugene's hand quickly catches the egg as it falls off the counter); "But if she isn't paying attention little puppy can get hurt" (the tea kettle whistle startles Eugene so he drops and breaks the egg on the floor); "Parenting can get messy sometimes" (Eugene turns and knocks the flour container over and gets it on his coat); "Just trust Flower's instincts like a caveman's instincts to protect its young" (Eugene pats his coat to get the flour off the way a chimpanzee moves its arms); "Parenthood can go by very fast" (Eugene slips on Tiger's drool). He slides and smashes against the wall: "Oh dear!" Tiger comments, interspersed with Tiara, on Eugene's actions, and finally remarks to the camera that it's simpler to be an instinctual dog.
On the spaceship, Epsilon views the scene on the monitor as Rex naps and remarks to the camera that instinct is much like an algorithm.
At home, Brad has a bad dream about the biological A.I. aliens Travis described. Myriam comforts him. He starts talking about class and asks how things would have been if there was no leap in evolution (missing link). Myriam says people wouldn't be as advanced, still living tribally without modern technology, medicine, etc. Brad takes solace that maybe a leap in evolution can be a good thing.
Episode 4
A1: Myriam discusses genetics in class, and Tony calls attention to Brad’s strange eyes. Linda and Travis meet, and he tells her about the abduction and teleportals. A Tall White (anti) UAP disables a US-made military craft of reverse-engineered UFO technology, then disables an undersea gas pipeline.
A2: Mabel works on her energy project and Eugene suggests harnessing specific electrons for ignition. Epsilon telepathically infiltrates Tiger’s dream. Brad tells Rex how he telepathically hacked Tony’s VR headset, and Rex decides to telepathically hack it too by delivering a camera feed from Pax’s spaceship. Rex learns about the emotion satisfaction. Tony uses the VR headset, and goes to Pax’s ship. Pax can see him, which scares Tony. The Interstellar Federation questions Pax on how Tony got there.
A3: Pax wants Rex to tell Brad to help find the boy behind the avatar, Tony. Rex won’t interfere with Brad’s free-will, but Epsilon indicates he will interfere with Tiger’s. Sammy has another flashback after seeing Brad’s eyes, and thinks conspiratorially that Brad might be part alien. He wants to put the crazy idea behind him by getting Brad’s DNA tested. In class, Tony is nervous so Brad projects into his mind and sees the confrontation with Pax. Brad telepathically reassures Tony that Pax can’t get to him for real.
In class, Myriam discusses genetics and offspring; specifically, dominant and recessive genes with respect to the animals mating. Myriam calls on Tony with a question, he's silent, and Brad telepathically gives him the answer. Tony feels superior for knowing the answer and belittles Brad by calling attention to his unusual eyes: "Are those dominant or recessive?" Mabel comforts Brad. Tony presses and Brad responds by telepathically causing Tony to behave strangely in front of everyone. Myriam mentions a rally on reproductive rights and Mabel is quick to volunteer.
At someone's front door, Linda is in a sparse countryside interviewing a witness to a strange craft in the sky illuminating one of the cattle, and there appeared to be small children next to it. There was a flash and in the morning the cattle was mutilated and in a different area. Linda sketches in her notepad. A flash beyond indicates Travis teleports into present time. He cracks a one-liner. Because there are no other homes or cars around, Linda is suspicious where he came from. She approaches Travis and convinces him to open up. He says she won't believe him. She challenges: "Try me."
During a routine flight, military helicopter pilots are startled by a UFO, which they don't know is US-made using reverse-engineered UFO technology. They want to engage it but the commander on the radio orders not to. The UFO quickly flies straight up. A Tall White (anti) UAP likewise startles the pilot of the US-made reverse-engineered UFO by disabling it and making it freefall. It brings back the power just before impact with the ocean. The luminous UAP then descends into the ocean and disables a gas energy pipeline by energetically crushing a section, causing panic in the control room.
At Mabel's, Brad sits nearby as she works on her sustainable energy project. Eugene enters rolling in a whiteboard and saying Mabel's name, causing Rex to appear. Eugene talks about the attraction of specific particles, diagramming electrons interlocking and spinning, as an ignition source, while Brad and Rex have a telepathic conversation about human attraction and offspring. Tiger is napping and drooling when Epsilon infiltrates his dream; they speak to each other in Tiger's dreamstate. Tiger awakens and Epsilon's voice fades away. There's a knock at the door and Eugene quickly goes to it but slips on Tiger's drool, sliding across the room. Brad telekinetically saves Eugene from injury by causing the door to open before he hits it. Tiara and Eugene's arms interlock and they spin. Eugene: "Oh dear!" Tiara remarks that she can't find her keys anywhere. Brad telekinetically makes them appear in Mabel's bag and tells her to open it. Mabel: "I didn't even know I had them!" Brad looks through the window and sees Tony using the VR headset across the street and points it out to Rex, telling him that he hacked it with a sense of satisfaction. Rex feels the emotion and proudly decides to likewise play a trick on Pax by telepathically injecting code into the system, hacking it again. A Priori's voiceover indicates the emotion he is feeling is satisfaction.
At home, Tony is in his bedroom using the VR headset. His VR POV is at the reverse-engineered UFO location and he hears Chester and the pilot discuss the UAP ocean incident. He marvels at the reverse-engineered craft and decides to explore another area by scrolling his VR interface. He scrolls to an unusual string of characters, which is the code Rex injected, and selects it. Tony's VR POV is now on Pax's spaceship and he begins exploring it, carefree. He hears Pax's voice, approaches a blind corner, then sees Pax and his peer. Unexpectedly, Pax turns, can see Tony, and gives chase. Tony screams and runs away while scrolling to a familiar part of the interface. Just before Pax gets him, Tony vanishes. A holographic representative of the Interstellar Federation questions Pax and how such a crossover of realities happened.
In the hologarden, Pax tells Rex about the crossover and Rex changes the subject nervously. Pax tries to get Rex to help him find the boy behind the VR avatar (Tony) with Brad's help, but Rex refuses to interfere with Brad's freewill. Angered at Pax's suggestion, he battles him and loses.
On his spaceship, Rex shakes off the loss as Pax takes a jab: "Was that your freewill too?" He dematerializes while laughing. Epsilon indicates he intends to interfere with Tiger's freewill. A Priori comforts Rex, who realizes he put Tony in danger.
At home, Sammy emerges from the basement when Brad happens to be right in front of the door. Brad accidentally startles Sammy, who has another intense alien flashback because of Brad's eyes. He tries to shake it off but has conspiratorial thoughts that he might be part alien. He gets food and falls down the stairs. Still distressed at the idea and to set his mind at ease, Sammy finds and sends Brad's hair to a lab for a DNA test.
In class, Myriam is discussing genetic chromosomal crossover. Tony is noticeably nervous and scared, looking around out the window. Brad projects into his mind and sees what happened with Pax. Brad puts Tony at ease by telepathically telling him Pax can't get him in the real world.
Episode 5
A1: Travis demonstrates for Linda how the teleportal works. He tells her that he saw a project involving organic matter and computer components on the UFO that abducted him. Epsilon telepathically influences Tiger to control his mind to self-learn. Eugene helps Mabel with her energy project’s control panel, as Tiara’s client complains one of her dogs is controlling over the other. Eugene warns of the risks of A.I. in the future.
A2: Pax tells Rex he sent metal sphere drones to Earth to look for the avatar boy, Tony. Brad summons Rex and asks about the biological A.I. aliens. Rex explains that ancient Tall Whites made them using A.I. and Small Grey alien DNA (Rex’s species). Brad feels bad that Rex’s species' DNA was used and manipulated callously. Rex learns about the emotion sorrow. Epsilon states that emotions just get in the way.
A3: Sammy starts learning how to do remote viewing. Luna looks at a UAP photo and says Christopher Mellon is bringing politics into the conversation. Myriam says the photo looks like the glow behind the head of the hindu god framed on the wall. She continues that the god appears to be moving its arms or dancing. Ben is meditating at BoochBen’s, visualizing colors and sound waves. Chester interrupts him with criticism for not paying attention. Ben resumes work on the sunshade. Rex tells Brad that Pax sent metal sphere drones to try to search for Tony.
Outside and back in time, Travis is at an ancient site with spectacular UFOs nearby. He cracks a one-liner. After an intense moment, he uses the teleportal to appear where Linda is. She wanted a demonstration and to know what he experienced. Linda: "This is some Ancient Aliens level stuff!" She asks about the UFO he was on during abduction and what he saw there. He says that after he fought off the biological A.I. aliens, he noticed cylinders with fluids and organic matter, and other cylinders with electronics.
On their spaceship, Epsilon watches Tiger on a monitor. He telepathically tells him to look at himself in the mirror. Tiger changes expressions and ponders curiously. Epsilon comments that he's encouraging Tiger to control his mind so he can self-learn, and that he too can self-learn through programming. He writes code on the other monitor. In the background, a hologram of Pax is standing near Rex on the pads connected to the hologarden; both are motionless in beams of light.
At Mabel's, she works on her energy machine with Brad nearby. Brad engages telepathically with Tiger about his behavior in the mirror, and he begins drooling. Epsilon watches on the monitor and encourages Tiger to drool more extremely. Eugene and Mabel discuss the computing and circuitry for the control panel. In an interspersed conversation, Tiara is in her office with a client who's complaining that one of her dogs is controlling over the other, in reference to her own relationship with her partner. Eugene says the control panel must be adaptable to accommodate A.I. in the future, while also warning of A.I.'s risks. Eugene slips on Tiger's big drool puddle and Brad telekinetically prevents injury. Eugene: "Oh dear!"
In the hologarden, Pax tells Rex that he took matters in his own hands regarding the avatar boy, Tony, by sending metal sphere surveillance drones to find him. They discuss the technology used in the drone, with Pax belittling Rex by saying his technology is inferior. Rex battles Pax and loses.
On the spaceship, Rex expresses his frustration to Epsilon of losing again. He sees code on the monitor and asks Epsilon what he was doing; Epsilon quickly changes what's on screen. The word "maple" is heard and a beam of light immediately surrounds Rex and he descends rapidly.
In Brad's room, Rex descends rapidly in the beam of light. Brad tells him about his dream the other night about the biological A.I. aliens, and asks who they are. Rex explains that they were created millions of years ago by the Tall Whites (pro), but they self-learned too quickly and went rogue, breaking away from those who made them. He indicates it's a touchy subject because the biological A.I. were made using Small Grey DNA callously, which is Rex's species. Brad feels sorrow, which Rex senses and A Priori identifies. Epsilon emphasizes that such emotions only get in the way.
In his basement bedroom, Sammy begins to learn remote viewing while getting tips from Chester on their military radio. His conspiracy talk radio mentions UFO reverse-engineering programs and that the military and some aerospace corporations are keeping the technology to themselves for power and money. Chester interjects contentiously that Sammy ought not to be listening to conspiratorial trash. The radio continues that UAP crafts are described as glowing spheres when they're operating, with immense energy. He goes upstairs for food.
Upstairs at home, Luna says that Christopher Mellon is bringing politics into the UAP conversation. Sammy emerges and joins in with his back turned and head in the fridge. She has a picture of a luminescent UAP and Myriam remarks that the glow looks like the halo behind the head of a framed hindu god on their wall. The god is depicted with many arms and legs, and she comments that she thinks the artist is portraying that he is moving around or dancing. Near the picture is Jesus on a crucifix. Sammy goes to the door, tries to close it with one foot because his hands are full, and falls down the stairs with a crash.
In the park at BoochBen's, Ben is meditating while Om'ing. In his mind, there's a beautiful visual with colors and sound waves emanating in union with his voice. There are colorful glowing spheres moving about. Chester interrupts him, asking for a drink. He remarks that there's a world around him to pay attention to, and to get his head out of the clouds. Ben respectfully serves him and Chester goes back to the courts. Ben continues building the sunshade.
In class, Myriam is discussing the history of computing, with a vacuum tube in her hand. (It resembles the cylinders with electronics in Act1.) Myriam calls on Tony, Brad telepathically gives him the answer, he is rude to Brad, who then telepathically makes him behave strangely in front of everyone. Myriam then calls on Mabel with another question. Rex appears because Brad thought "maple." Rex tells Brad that Pax sent metal sphere drones to find Tony, with a program to not stop until one finds him.
Outdoor scenes of various cities with metal sphere drones flying by.
Episode 6
A1: Ben is meditating at BoochBen’s and visualizes the air molecules around him moving in beautiful patterns as he moves his arms (reference to hindu god at Ep5 Act3). He continues building the sunshade. Travis is at an ancient site and witnesses the Tall Whites (pro) assisting humans build structures. He avoids death by using the teleportal to save himself.
A2: Tiara’s client is complaining that her pet has wild mood swings. Epsilon telepathically causes Tiger to feel and express the same emotions the client is listing. Epsilon telepathically controls a cat to mess with Tiger, and remarks that it’s easy to get inside an animal’s head but he can’t get inside Rex’s. Myriam discusses potential energy in class. Tony upsets Brad and Rex learns about the emotion anger. Brad telepathically causes Tony to do something that nearly paralyzes him. Brad moves very quickly to magically heal Tony. Mabel insists Brad should try out for the basketball team due to his speed.
A3: Brad dominates on the basketball court. Afterwards, only Tony is left waiting for his ride. Chester is also there shooting hoops by himself. They meet and play Horse. Luna is excited about legislation that forms the UAP Task Force. Mabel says it was a miracle the way Brad helped Tony. Myriam says that only gods and saints perform miracles.
In the park at BoochBen's, Ben is meditating and Om'ing, with eyes closed. The visual is colorful with soundwaves moving with his voice. He begins to visualize the air molecules around him. A wind gust gives him the chills and he shivers. The air molecules react around him and he delights in seeing them move. Exploring further, he moves his hand in front of his face and he visualizes the air molecules in front of him reacting to the motion, like currents. He then moves his arms in wave motions and the air molecules react rhythmically, creating beautiful cymatic patterns. He stops, opens his eyes, smiles, and continues building the sunshade.
Within the interdimensional teleportal, the visual is swirling colors ang glowing lights. Travis emerges through it into the past. He's in Baalbek, Lebanon. Luminous UAP of the Tall Whites (pro) are constructing fantastic structures with the people. One of the workers missteps, causing a stone to roll down an incline and hit a block other workers are tending to. Travis cracks a one-liner. The block falls and hits another that triggers a giant stone pillar to fall towards Travis. He quickly activates and jumps through a teleportal to save himself.
At home, Tiger is taking a nap and drooling when Epsilon's voice wakes him up. Meanwhile, Tiara is in her office with a client, who is complaining about her pet's mood swings, but really talking about her own. Tiger looks around and walks to the mirror. As the client says different emotions, Tiger matches it with an expression in the mirror. Epsilon telepathically tells a cat to jump on the window sill, but it loses balance and falls back down. When the client says "I don't surprise easily" Tiger's expression is of surprise because he sees the cat on the sill briefly in the mirror. Epsilon tells the cat to jump back up again, the client says "when triggered I become a monster" and Tiger's expression becomes furocious when he sees the cat in the mirror sitting on the window sill. He turns in rage and races to get the cat but slips on his own drool. He slides out of control and the cat jumps back down outside as Tiger smashes against the wall: "Now I know how it feels."
On the spaceship, Epsilon sees injured Tiger on the monitor. Rex is napping in the chair. Epsilon points out that it's easy to telepathically control animals but he's unable to do it to Rex. A Priori indicates that Rex's brain structures are too complex for him to crack.
In science class, Myriam discusses potential energy. She calls Mabel to the front for a demonstration with a mini catapult. Rex appears because Brad thinks "maple." Myriam then calls Brad to the front for a demonstration with a spring. In his imagination, Brad springs to the front of the room and starts dancing while spinning DJ turntables. Brad is joyful, Rex feels it, and A Priori's voiceover tells Rex the emotion he is feeling is joy. Tony makes Brad snap out of his fantasy by shooting him with a rubber band. Brad is infuriated and telepathically causes Tony to jump up on the table and do a backflip off. A Priori's voiceover interjects to Rex that what he feels is anger. Tony hurts himself badly and screams that he can't move his legs. Rex tells Brad quickly to help him immediately and discreetly. Brad scrambles at high speed to Tony and lays his hands on him. Brad slowly brings him to his feet. Tony shakes it off and tells Brad to back off. Mabel remarks on Brad's speed and insists he go to basketball tryouts after school.
In the park at the basketball courts, Brad dominates everyone with his agility and precision. Tony is intimidated by the competition. After tryouts, all kids leave except for Tony, who is waiting for his mom. He takes a shot and the ball bounces off the rim to the adjacent court. Chester is there shooting hoops by himself. Chester stops Tony's ball. As Tony approaches to get it, Chester challenges him to a game of Horse. Tony senses he recognizes Chester but can’t place him.
At home, Luna and Myriam make dinner while Brad and Mabel do homework. Luna hails new legislation that introduces the UAP Task Force (FY2021 Intelligence Authorization Act UAP). Sammy emerges from the basement and joins in the discussion while grabbing food in his arms. He slips and Myriam catches him before he falls. Mabel shares the story about Tony's fall in class and that it was a miracle Brad helped him. Myriam emphasizes that, although it was a scary moment, only gods and saints can perform miracles. As Sammy goes to his door, Myriam recounts Jesus' healing of a paralytic. Sammy falls down the stairs with a crash.
Episode 7
A1: Luna tells Myriam about more legislation regarding UAP, including the Dept of Defense’s AOIMSG program. Luna and Myriam announce to Brad and Sammy that they decided to have a child using Myriam’s egg and Luna’s womb. Myriam discusses the splitting of the atom in class, with both energy and bomb ramifications. Rex indicates the atomic bomb rips open space-time and is harmful in ways beyond human comprehension. Brad is distracted and can’t answer a question Myriam asked. Rex learns about the emotion shame.
A2: The biological A.I. aliens wage a war against the Small Greys (Rex’s species). Sammy uses remote viewing to vaguely visit a well-known underground particle collider. Tony uses the VR headset and overhears a Tall White (pro) telling two Light Pawns the dangers of a secret location called “the womb.” The Tall White (pro) sees Tony but does not react. The Light Pawn cannot see him.
A3: Pax tells Rex the Interstellar Federation is hesitant to intervene in the war for fear of expanding it to other species. Pax informs Rex the metal sphere drone is closing in on Tony’s location. Epsilon warns Rex his race may face extinction. Myriam discusses particle colliders in class. Tony’s behavior prompts Brad to project into his mind, where he hears the Tall White (pro) reference “the womb.” Brad telepathically hacks Tony’s VR headset again to include the location by that name. Rex informs Brad his species is being annihilated, and Brad is determined to find a way to help. Tony puts on the VR headset after school and goes to the new location. He is in a very secretive particle collider facility and sees Tall Whites (anti), Dark Pawns, and biological A.I. aliens. A container with a hybrid A.I. materializes in a chamber, but the humanoid being collapses and disintegrates at its first steps. Tony removes the VR headset as Travis arrives through a teleportal. They meet and see one of Pax’s metal sphere drones fly by.
At home, Luna discusses the DoD's Aiborne Object Identification and Management Sychronization Group (AOIMSG) and more political legislation (FY2022 NDAA UAP) with Myriam while Brad is doing homework. When Sammy emerges, Myriam and Luna tell them that they've decided to have a baby using Myriam's frozen egg and Luna will carry it. Brad is anxious about the idea of having a secret half-brother.
In class, Myriam discusses the splitting of the atom with emphasis on nuclear fission with respect to energy and the atomic bomb. Brad, Mabel, and Tony have their usual banter during demonstrations. Rex appears when Mabel's name is stated. He describes telepathically that the bomb is like ripping open space-time, which is harmful in ways humans don't understand and why nuclear equipment gets disabled. Space-time manipulation is only meant for more advanced species who are in the Interstellar Federation. Myriam calls on Brad but he wasn't paying attention so he doesn't know the answer. Mabel wants to give him the answer but her integrity prevents her. Myriam calls on someone else, while Brad feels shame. Rex likewise senses the emotion and A Priori's voiceover explains it to Rex. Myriam states there's an activist rally soon against war and Mabel is quick to sign up.
In the depths of space, the ominous UFOs of the biological A.I. begin a fierce battle with the Small Grey species (Rex's type). The crafts of the Small Greys are being destroyed in high numbers, with intense explosions. The biological A.I. are attacking the Small Greys because they are viewed as a threat since the biological A.I. species was created using Small Grey DNA.
In his basement bedroom, Sammy is listening to conspiracy radio discuss a deep underground particle collider that they conspiratorially think creates a wormhole. Sammy employs his budding remote viewing skill and sees some vague aspects of the location: a well-known facility.
In his bedroom, Tony uses his VR headset and navigates to a new area. After some roaming cautiously, he sees a Tall White (pro) talking to two Light Pawns. They speak about a place called "the womb" and the dangers it will bring when completed. Tony moves closer and the Tall White (pro) slowly turns his head and sees Tony. He freezes in fear. The Tall White (pro) nods slightly and turns his head back. Tony removes the VR headset, looking at chills on his arms. He looks at the headset then puts it in his backpack instead of its normal place.
In the hologarden, Pax informs Rex of the battle against his species and that the Interstellar Federation is hesitant to engage with the rogue biological A.I. for fear of expanding the war to other species. Rex insists his species is wise, strong, and will win. Pax agrees despite Rex's species' petite size. Rex gets upset, battles him, and loses.
On his spaceship, before dematerializing, Pax remarks that his metal sphere drones are zeroing in on the avatar boy target, Tony. Epsilon warns Rex that his species' population is declining fast, heading towards extinction. Although the war is far away, A Priori indicates it will recalibrate its threat detection systems.
In class, Myriam discusses the mechanics of the splitting of the atom with emphasis on particle colliders like CERN, looking at slides of the process. Brad sees that Tony is strangely quieter than usual so he projects his consciousness into his mind. He sees the Tall White (pro) interaction and hears about "the womb." Brad recedes from Tony's mind, looks at Tony's VR set by seeing through his backpack, and telepathically projects new code into the VR system to hack it further. Mabel's name is called so Rex appears because Brad thinks "maple." He and Brad chat telepathically, and Rex tells Brad that his species may be facing extinction due to the war. Brad is determined to somehow find a way to help.
Outside school, Tony sneaks behind a building, curious and in anticipation of putting on the VR headset again because of the amazing event last time. New code appears as a selection in the VR POV; he is curious and selects it. Tony finds himself in an underground passage, dimly lit and viewed through the surveillance cameras. He hears sounds like engines in the distance and approaches. The corridor opens to an enormous space with highly technical equipment. He is at a top-secret particle collider facility called "the womb." Tall Whites (anti) stand together with Dark Pawns, while biological A.I. mill about. The sound intensifies and he witnesses a tall container with a humanoid materialize in a chamber adjacent to the giant tube structure. The Dark Pawns assist the hybrid A.I. out of the container. It's eyes open (not glowing) as it drops to its knees and begins to disintegrate. He is shocked at the whole scene and takes off the headset. After a breath, suddenly a teleportal opens near him and Travis rolls out of it, dusting off his sleeves, and the ringing in ears fading. He cracks a one-liner, which Tony hears and laughs at. He looks at Tony with a casual greeting before they both look up to see what's making the doppler effect noise above. They watch as one of Pax's metal sphere drones flies by.
Episode 8
“Constructive Interference”
A1: Travis and Tony chat about each’s unique experiences. Travis shares that during a recent teleportation to a biblical era location, he overheard two humans conceiving of a revolt against the Tall Whites. Travis explains that the teleportal causes a painful ringing in his ears. Rex begs Pax to tell the Interstellar Federation to help stop the war. Linda interviews the family of a UFO abductee who died mysteriously. She went missing often and complained of ringing in her ears. An autopsy body scan revealed a strange implant in her head. It was extracted then immediately confiscated by Dark Pawns.
A2: Myriam discusses light and sound waves in class. She does a demonstration and Brad embarrasses himself. Rex learns about the emotion embarrassment. Mabel and Brad’s crush grows, and Tony is jealous. Tony uses the VR headset and sees Chester talking to the CEO of an aeronautics corporation. Chester warns that political pressure may eventually reveal to the public that the corporation benefited financially from the unfair competitive advantage of reverse-engineered UFO technology. The CEO indicates the public will understand the secrecy was in their and the nation’s best interest, socially and militarily; adding that the public isn’t ready to know they’re not alone. Two Dark Pawns are watching as the CEO leaves the building. Tony is in disbelief of what he hears.
A3: Eugene suggests to Mabel that combining energy waves constructively may help sustain ignition for her miniature fusion reactor project. Epsilon telepathically influences both a cat outside and Tiger, while showing Tiger how to use physics to his advantage to get to it. Tiara’s client is complaining about forces holding her pet down lethargically. Sammy learns that half of Brad’s DNA is unrecognizable, and that the other half closely matches his own. Luna indicates her pregnancy is going well, while Sammy sees a photo in which Brad and Myriam’s eyes are the identical color. His conspiratorial thoughts take over.
Outside and behind a school building, Travis and Tony chat (continued from last episode). They ask each other questions. Tony shares first what he can see in the VR headset. Travis shares that he can jump space-time, and that he just came back from the 1960's and saw UFOs disable nuclear warheads. Before that he was at an ancient site, biblical era. He saw the same crafts and Tall Whites (pro) among the humans. He overheard two humans saying that they want to get inside and fly one, indicating it's unfair they're not allowed: A budding revolt against the godly authority.
In the hologarden, Rex pleads with Pax to convince the Interstellar Federation to intervene in the Small Gray and biological A.I. war. Pax agrees they need all the help they can get, given the inferiority of their crafts. Pax reminds Rex that they crashed in North America in the 1940s because of interference with meager human technology. Rex is offended, battles Pax and loses.
On the spaceship, Epsilon offers Rex to upgrade their fleet's systems. A Priori: "Nice try." As Pax fades, he adds insult to injury, reminding Rex about their fleet's crash in Italy in the 1930s.
At the front door of a family's home, Linda looks at her notepad as she knocks the door. She reviews the notes and sketch of the last testimony interview. The door opens and she interviews the family members of an abductee who died recently in a mysterious manner. They were skeptical of her UFO stories and abduction. She often went missing, was secretive, complained of ringing in her ears, and was traumatized with flashbacks of the aliens (biological A.I.) After death, an autopsy brainscan showed an implant deep in her inner ear. They extracted it and it quickly changed shape and color. It was immediately confiscated by two Dark Pawns (wearing dark motorcycle leathers and helmets). While leaving their home, the family asks Linda if abductions are actually real and if it's true there was a crash in Roswell in 1947 and the government has it. She tells them they moved the material to Wright-Patterson in Ohio.
In class, Myriam discusses the light spectrum and sound waves, with an emphasis on constructive and destructive interference. She wants to do a demonstration with a tuning fork, but can only find one. Brad telekinetically makes the other one appear in Mabel's bag and tells her to grab it. Mabel: "I didn't even know I had one!" Mabel's name is stated so Rex appears because Brad thinks "maple." Myriam calls on Tony, he doesn't know the answer, Brad telepathically gives it, Tony belittles Brad, Brad makes him act funny, and the class is laughing as he snaps out of it. Rex congratulates Brad, noting that he seems to be getting along fine. Myriam rings one tuning fork followed by the other. The sound waves permeate Brad in a soothing way. He closes his eyes and inadvertently vocalizes along with the tones, louder and louder until Mabel nudges him with an elbow. He opens his eyes and blushes as everyone is looking at him. Feeling the embarrassment, Rex blushes too. A Priori's voiceover states the emotion he's feeling is embarrassment. Mabel smiles at Brad; their crush is growing and noticeable, which purturbs jealous Tony.
At home in his bedroom, Tony puts on his VR headset and goes to the familiar area where the US craft made with reverse-engineered UFO technology is. Chester is talking to the aeronautics corporation CEO. Chester emphasizes that political legislation is putting pressure on the secrecy and may eventually reveal that the aeronautics corps has had an unfair competitive advantage for decades. The CEO brushes the issue aside indicating how much money he's made and he'll just retire with a bonus before they're exposed. The stock will crumble as competitor lawsuits rush in and just the petty shareholders will suffer. He remarks that the rest of the public will understand the secrecy was in their and the nation's best interest, societally and militarily. The public isn't ready to know their not alone in the universe.
In his bedroom, Tony takes off the VR headset and his eyes are wide. He's motionless.
Outside the facility, the CEO leaves the building towards his SUV limo. Two Dark Pawns on their motorcycles are watching from afar.
At home, Mabel is working on her free energy project. Eugene rolls in the whiteboard while announcing NASA has found another exoplanet in the habitable zone that is only 137 light years away. He goes on to suggest to Mabel that combining energy waves may be a way to sustain ignition, while diagramming constructive interference. Tiger is drooling and looking out the window from across the room. Epsilon telepathically makes a cat jump on the window sill, taunt Tiger, then jump down and climb a tree. Epsilon (playing both sides) telepathically strategizes with Tiger, showing a diagram in his mind to jump out of the window, grab a tree rope in his mouth, swing and release onto a trampoline to bounce high and arrive at the cat on the far tree branch. As Tiger swings and bounces, the wave energy effects of the rope and trampoline are visible. Meanwhile, in an interspersed conversation, Tiara speaks with her client who is complaining that her pet is lethargic and feels like there are forces keeping it down; but she is really speaking about her own lethargy and sense that everything's an uphill battle. Tiara advises to notice opportunities around her that she can use to her advantage, turning what may seem like a repelling force into one that she can harness energy from. Eugene and Mabel analagously converse as well before Eugene slips on Tiger's drool and smashes: "Oh dear!"
In his basement bedroom, Sammy gets the DNA results. Half of Brad's DNA has an unrecognizeable sequence. The lab was intrigued and noticed that, in addition to Brad's hair on the submission card, there was an arm hair also in the envelope (Sammy's). They tested it too and found it closely matched the recognizeable half of Brad's DNA. Sammy is confused, panics, paces, and goes upstairs for food.
Upstairs at home, Luna is in the kitchen. Sammy emerges and she sees he's unsettled. She takes a leap and suggests he's anxious about being an uncle. She adds that her pregnancy is going fine so far. After stacking food from the fridge, Sammy turns to go back down and stops in his tracks. He sees a framed picture of the four of them on wall, a close-up shows that Brad and Myriam's eyes are exactly the same color. He shutters speechlessly, edging to the door. Shaking, he closes the door with a foot, loses his balance, and falls down the stairs with a crash.
Episode 9
“Short Circuit”
A1: Myriam discuss telecommunications advancements in class. Sammy and Chester discuss modern technology that is derived from reverse engineered UFO material. Luna speaks about AARO and David Grusch’s testimony about recovered crafts and alien biologics, while Sammy finds one of Myriam’s hairs to DNA test.
A2: Eugene suggests a laser and fiber optics for fast information transfer in Mabel’s free energy project. Tiara’s client complains her pet seems to always be in a hurry. The energy project catches fire briefly. Brad sees one of Pax’s metal sphere drones fly over and past Tony’s house. Rex learns about the emotion alarm. Pax tells Rex that he created his own boy just like Rex did, and he will send him to Earth once the metal sphere drone locates Tony.
A3: Ben expands his meditation abilities by exploring contemporaneous body movement and sound to the point of an out-of-body experience with his consciousness. Sammy interrupts him because he looks crazy. With Brad and Mabel, they all discuss what normal is supposed to look like. A Tall White (pro) tells the Interstellar Federation during a council meeting about the war that they created the dangerous biological A.I. in a past era as scouts and workers, but they went rogue. They therefore genetically modified the native species of a resource-rich planet, Earth, to be the workers. The Tall Whites (pro) feel compassion for these new humans, while the Tall Whites (anti) feel they are no longer useful and should be destroyed because they are a disturbance in harmonious natural evolution. The biological A.I. view the Tall Whites (anti) as allies.
In class, Myriam discusses technological advancements in telecommunications, culminating with fiber optics. During demonstrations, Brad, Mabel, and Tony banter as usual, with Tony insulting Brad and Brad telepathically making Tony behave strangely in front of everybody. Brad is frustrated because he has knowledge of far greater technology but he can't share it.
In his basement bedroom, Sammy and Chester are communicating on their military radio about technology today that is derived from reverse engineered UFO crash retrieval components, including fiber optics. Chester insists there's been no success at reverse engineering crafts in whole, keeping his secret. Sammy wants to tell Chester about Brad's DNA test but also keeps the secret. He goes upstairs.
Upstairs at home, Luna tells Sammy about the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) in context of legislative action (FY2023 NDAA UAP). Sammy is nonchalantly looking around the kitchen counter for a hair that matches Myriam's. He finds one and quickly puts his hands behind his back to conceal what he's up to. Luna shares that a groundbreaking whistleblower came forward named David Grusch, who revealed there have been reverse engineering programs for decades. With a sense of vindication, Sammy heads to the door downstairs. She adds that the military has recovered actual alien body parts. He stumbles in surprise, hands still behind his back, and falls down stairs with a crash.
At home, Mabel is working on her miniature fusion reactor project as Brad looks on. Eugene rolls in a whiteboard and suggests a laser, lens, and the use of fiber optics. He says her name and Rex appears because Brad thinks "maple." Tiger is laying down and drooling. Rex, Brad, and Tiger have a three-way telepathic conversation while Tiara and her client chat behind the office door, in interspersed conversations. The client is complaining that her cat gets in a wild mood and races around the room like a bullet as though she's in a hurry all the time, and often almost gets in accidents like bumping into a potted plant; but she's really talking about her own tendency to be in a hurry all the time, especially when driving. Eugene meanwhile emphasizes the importance of fast communication among the components. Mabel's project short-circuits, causing a small fire. Brad telekinetically makes a fire extinguisher appear in Mabel's bag and he tells her to grab it. Mabel: "I didn't even know I had one!" After putting out the fire, she adds: "Just a minor setback." Tiara finishes by saying the sense of hurry is just a state of mind. The important thing is to simply move as efficiently as possible, and whether she feels rushed or not does not really effect the time of arrival. At the same time, Eugene slides on Tiger's drool and Brad telepathically prevents him from harm. Eugene: "Oh dear!" Brad looks out the window towards Tony's house across the street and sees Tony using the VR headset. A metal sphere drone flies past above Tony's roof. Only Brad sees it and he feels alarmed. A Priori's voiceover tells Rex the emotion he is feeling is alarm.
Rex recedes back to his ship and he decides to enter the hologarden. Epsilon comments enviously on the way fire has an inherent ability to get out of control. A Priori retorts the importance of control.
In the hologarden, Pax tells Rex his drone is getting ever closer to finding the boy behind the avatar, Tony. He adds that he made his own boy in order to infiltrate and eliminate when his precise location is known, with plans to send him soon. Rex gets upset that Pax stole his idea to make a boy to send to Earth, and challenges Pax to a battle; Rex loses.
On the spaceship, the hologram of Pax tells Rex that since his own DNA is superior, his child, Paxson, will be light years ahead of Brad. He dematerializes laughing. A priori tells Rex to trust in Brad's fate, while Epsilon indicates everything is predestined and not looking all that great.
In the park at BoochBen's, Ben's sunshade structure is now complete and he begins expanding the cart into a proper bar. Ben is meditating while moving his body rhythmically. Ben's POV shows his moving body causing colorful, beautiful cymatic waves better than before, harmonizing with his Om sound. A geomagnetic northerly energy field superimposes the waves, creating streaks of movement in orchestral resonance. His consciousness is a luminous glow that slowly separates from his body and his POV moves around himself: A conscious out-of-body experience. Sammy interrupts him and his consciousness retracts. Brad and Mabel are at a hightop, patiently waiting for him to finish. Sammy tells Ben he looks crazy, prompting a discussion about what's considered normal and why. Brad: "Who decides what's normal?" Sammy pauses to think. He goes into a conspiracy that people learn what's supposed to be normal from TV shows: How they're supposed to dress and act, what a family is supposed to look like, and how kids behave in school. "That's why they call it a television program, man! They're programming society!" Sammy changes his mind and encourages Ben: "You be you, man." Ben agrees that people just need to do their own thing without worrying what other people think. Brad scoots his stool closer to Mabel's. Ben resumes construction on the bar, looking for his hammer. Brad telekinetically makes it appear in Mabel's bag and tells her to open it. Mabel: "I didn't even know I had one!"
At an Interstellar Federation Council meeting discussing the war, a Tall White (pro) states that the rogue biological A.I. is unpredictable and focuses solely on its own survival. He knows because his species made them in the days before the formation of the Federation. They created them to explore new worlds and to be their manual labor when they find the resources they need, but they self-coded and became independent. Before they broke off, the biological A.I. discovered a planet that had the resources the Tall Whites needed, but they refused to be the labor force to extract it. So when the Tall Whites arrived to the planet, they genetically modified the native species, Neanderthal, with their own DNA to create a labor force. It worked for many years, but after some time a group of them revolted. (The reenactment imagery includes crafts in the sky of the Tall Whites, but also the crafts of the biological A.I. in the distance, watching.) In the Council meeting, a Tall White (anti) indicates that the new humans are a disturbance in the natural laws of evolution; a lost species not in harmony with its planet. The genetic modification in effect short-circuited its natural evolution. The Tall Whites (pro) feel compassion towards humans because they are responsible for their existence, but a group of Tall Whites (anti) feel they are freaks whose useful purpose on the planet has passed, believe they are an unharmonious disturbance in natural evolution, and want them eliminated. The biological A.I. see the Tall Whites (anti) as allies.
Episode 10
A1: Travis is in a prehistoric era seeing the Tall Whites (pro) among both Neanderthal and early humans. Biological A.I. crafts are in the sky above pre-Neanderthal apemen. Ben meditates to the point of drawing his consciousness away from his body, which he directs to the Pyramid at Giza. His consciousness enters and descends to inner Earth, which is vast, beautiful, and has massive constructed structures. Sammy learns that Big Foot sightings are increasing globally.
A2: Myriam discusses climate change in class. Brad telepathically warns Tony to beware of the metal sphere drones. Rex learns the emotion friendliness. People outside witness a UFO sighting in the sky, which Brad and Mabel witness too. The UFO happened to be Rex’s spaceship. Linda interviews the family of another abduction case, where the woman, Betty, is currently missing. Betty also had ringing in her ears like the implant case in Ep8 Act1, so Linda warns Travis that he may have an implant.
A3: Eugene and Mabel discuss that the energy project fire was caused by a faulty component deep inside. Tiara tells her client that she must go deep to remedy her problem. Tiger is getting smarter. Brad and Tony’s basketball team wins a game, with Brad taking the glory. Rex learns the emotion glory. Tony hesitates to play Horse with Chester due to the conversation he witnessed in his VR headset with the aeronautics corporation CEO. A metal sphere drone approaches and Tony hides behind Chester as it passes. Ben meditates and returns his consciousness to inner Earth from Act1. He sees luminous UAP and a group of people who are the Illuminati. His meditation is interrupted by the arrival of two Light Pawns.
Outside in prehistoric times, the sound of ringing in Travis' head fades, along with the teleportal. There are Neanderthal around with other beings that look closer to human; the Tall Whites (pro) are nearby. He understands the evolutionary jump, the missing link. The crafts of the biological A.I. appear and approach a group of pre-Neanderthal ape-men that are looking up. The ear ringing fades back in. He looks around for the green hovering dot light nearby, runs to it, waves his hand over the dot, the teleportal opens, and he jumps through. The interdimensional effect transitions to...
Ben's meditation POV, similar visual effect. He sends his consciousness at high speed across the globe; it is a glowing sphere of light. He (the light) enters the Pyramid of Giza and descends a long shaft to a chamber that opens to a spectacular world below Earth's surface. There are large volcanic mountains, illuminated by glowing lava. Waterfalls cascade into lakes. Circular openings (sink holes) in the Earth's crust send in beams of light. Massive structures rise from the lakes (imagery akin to the Halls of Amenti description at Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Tablet 2).
In his basement bedroom, Sammy is doing prepper stuff while listening to conspiracy radio. The topic is that Big Foot sightings are increasing globally. (Cut to the NSA listening also and deciding to promote the wild idea by pushing the Q button on a computer, making Big Foot imagery show up on social media.) The intentional planting of ideas in society's mind, modern programming.
In class, Myriam discusses climate change. Brad has a fantasy daydream. Common banter among Brad, Mabel, and Tony. Rex appears because Brad thought "maple" when Mabel's name is called. Brad telepathically warns Tony about the metal sphere drone: when he sees it he needs to hide. Brad's feelings of friendliness are also felt by Rex. A Priori's voiceover identifies the emotion for Rex. Myriam indicates there's a climate change rally planned and Mabel is enthusiastic to join.
Outside, Brad and Mabel walk together on the sidewalk, talking. People are murmuring and pointing to the sky at a UFO. Brad and Mabel stop and join in the sighting. Mabel is astonished and inspired, but Brad is very nervous because he recognizes the ship is Rex's.
On the spaceship, A Priori wakes a sleeping Rex, bothered at first for the disturbance to his slumber. He looks at the monitor and sees people looking straight up at him. They quickly take off as Epsilon makes a witty comment.
Below, the people watch as the UFO rapidly flies off, and fighter jets fly past soon after. Brad, shaking his head, goes to the park and Mabel goes home.
Outside another home, Linda flips through her notepad of UFO sketches and notes. She knocks and enters to interview another abduction case. There are similarities to the other woman's case, and she recalls that Travis also complained of an ear ringing (third person now with same issue). She's gone missing, they fear another abduction. Her name is Betty. After the interview, she calls and warns Travis that he may be in danger and should MRI his head to see if there's an implant; and to remove it to potentially save his life. If whoever confiscates the implant knows he has one, who knows how badly they want it.
At home, Mabel is working on her project with Eugene's input. Tiara is in her office with a client who's complaining that her iguana is pessimistic, with dreadful thoughts of impending doom. As Eugene claims that the defect that caused the fire was a component deep inside that will be tricky to remove, Tiara is advising to separate out that part inside that has bad thoughts in order to expose it and realize the thoughts are not part of reality but only in her head (as though speaking of the pet). Mabel questions whether the component inside needs to be changed or just cleaned, analagously. Meanwhile, included in the interspersed dialogs are Tiger's thoughts, who is steadily getting smarter. He slides tools closer as they need them, without them noticing. He is also drooling at the same time, forming a puddle that Eugene later slips on: "Oh dear!" Tiger says a clever pun.
In the park, Brad and Tony are on the basketball court during a game. With seconds on the clock, Tony takes a half court shot at the buzzer. Brad analyzes the trajectory (superimposed visual geometric calculation effect) and sees it won't make it. He scampers past the others and takes a giant leap to intercept the falling ball and dunks it grandly, an alley-oop. Brad revels in the glory and Tony is jealous.
On his spaceship, Rex is watching on the monitor and also feels the glory. A Priori identifies the emotion as elation. Epsilon makes a witty comment to take it while you can.
On the courts after the game, everybody leaves but Tony, who's waiting for his mom to pick him up. Chester is at the adjacent court and invites Tony to play Horse. He is hesitant because he's suspicious of him due to the conversation he saw in the VR headset with the aeronautics corporation CEO. Chester spots someting distant in the sky, calling attention to it. Tony sees it's a metal sphere drone and quickly hides behind Chester. He's taken aback, but allows it as the metal sphere drone whirls by, with Tony shifting his position around Chester as it goes. Chester suspects that somehow Tony knew what the object was and presses him, but Tony explains he didn't know why he hid from it but it felt like his life depended on it. Chester's inquisition is interrupted by Tony's mom's car horn. He runs to the car: "Maybe we'll play Horse another time... Or maybe we'll call it Alien instead!" Chester narrows his eyes as the car drives off.
In the park at BoochBen's, Ben is working on BoochBen's improvements. It's sunset, so he stops and decides to meditate. His consciousness returns to the place in Act I. This time, he sees luminous UAP descend through the sink hole openings in the Earth's crust. He looks around and there are other spectacular crafts among the massive structures. There are different types of crafts in different areas, along with a group of hooded people - they are the Illuminati. The sound of thunderous engines fades in then goes quiet quickly. A loud knocking pulls Ben's consciousness very rapidly back to the park. Two Light Pawns (in motorcycle leathers and helmets) are standing beside him.
Episode 11
A1: Sammy arrives at BoochBen’s so the Light Pawns leave (E10 Act3). Ben shrugs off Sammy’s conspiratorial ideas. Luna’s belly shows that she’s pregnant, and she tells Myriam about the Schumer Bill for Controlled Disclosure. Luna called a UFO investigator to learn more than what the DoD has shared so far. Linda shows up at their house. Brad telepathically dispels Linda’s suspicion due to his eyes.
A2: Travis teleports onto a biological A.I. craft and sees an unconscious abducted woman, Betty. He sees containers that indicate a human-machine hybridization program is underway, with various stages of progression. The most-completed hybrid A.I. receives a human soul. Travis sees its glowing eyes as it comes alive. Travis decides to get an MRI to see if he has an implant because, if so, he feels it’s responsible for the ringing in his head and the teleportals.
A3: Brad and Tony are in a basketball game. Brad telekinetically assists Tony win the game so that Tony gets the glory, and Brad feels good about it. Rex learns the emotion satisfaction. Tony and Chester play an intense game of Horse silently. They realize a metal sphere drone has been hovering directly overhead. It, and therefore Pax, has located Tony. Eugene and Mabel work on the energy project. Epsilon and Tiger communicate telepathically but Tiger doesn’t know where the voice is coming from. Tiara is advising her client to repeat the desired behavior to help replace the undesired one. The energy project explodes and Mabel is harmed. Eugene rushes her to the hospital. Mabel is unconscious at the hospital with a steady heartbeat. Travis is also at the hospital where he learns that he indeed has an implant, and he wants it removed.
In the park at BoochBen's, the two Light Pawns (Ep10 Act3) are with Ben. Sammy shows up and they leave. Sammy gives Ben the sense that some conspiracies are real, as he mentions Men In Black stories. Ben argues it's just a movie. Sammy reiterates: "Exactly, 'programming;' remember?" Ben explains they were just wondering where he learned to meditate; and that he explained it was intuitive.
Luna (now showing her pregnancy) discusses the Schumer Bill for Controlled Disclosure (FY2024 NDAA Senate UAP Submitted) with Myriam; Brad is doing homework. Luna indicates she decided to take matters in her own hands to learn what more she can about UAP beyond what the DoD is willing to share. There's a knock at the door and Brad opens it. Linda is outside looking at her notepad. She looks at Brad suspiciously. Brad telepathically calms her, indicating his eye color is just a rare condition. Luna introduces herself and the others to Linda.
On a spacecraft, Travis teleports onto the same biological A.I. UFO that he was on when he was abducted. There's nobody around so he explores. There is an unconscious woman, Betty, who was abducted (same woman described in Linda interview Ep10) laying on a table. He explores further to find liquid-filled cylinders that have mechanical/computer components with human flesh and form. The amount of flesh covering the components varies, indicating a progression from machine-like to human-like. Sounds cause him to quickly hide. Two biological A.I. aliens enter and go to a control panel. They mechanically move the most human looking hybrid A.I. (no hair on its body, face, or head) to another area, where there is an empty cyclindrical chamber directly adjacent, connected to a clear downward tube. Suddenly a flashing streak of light flows rapidly through the tube and fills the chamber with luminescent, colorful, shimmering energy. It is a human soul. The biological A.I. aliens shift the soul from the chamber into the hybrid A.I. A close-up of its mouth as it takes a breath. Ringing begins and gets very loud so Travis quickly runs, the biological A.I. aliens see him as he waves his hand on a hovering green dot. The teleportal opens and he looks back. A close-up of the hybrid A.I.’s eyes: they open and glow. Travis jumps through the teleportal.
Outside, Travis rolls out of a teleportal, brushes off his arms, cracks a one-liner, and tells himself he should take Linda's advice and see if he has an implant too. If he does, he feels certain it's responsible for the ringing and the hovering green dot light teleportals.
In the park at the courts, Brad and Tony play basketball with their team during a game. Mabel is nearby with an activist sign for UFO Disclosure (inspired by the recent sighting). Tony is still bothered that Brad stole the show last game, bumping Brad at times. At the buzzer, Brad is open for a pass but Tony wants the glory himself. He takes another half court shot, it hits the back of the rim and bounces straight up high. Brad sees that it's falling slightly off trajectory and telekinetically adjusts the path so it falls through the hoop. Tony's in the center of the celebration; Brad has a sense of satisfaction for lending to Tony's glory.
On his spaceship, Rex is watching on the monitor as A Priori describes the emotion as satisfaction. Epsilon states that he's most satisfied meddling with animals' thoughts.
Everybody leaves but Tony, waiting for his mom to pick him up. He sees Chester and, still high from the game, challenges him at Horse. Neither speaks much. (In both the team game and Horse game, there's a sequence of shot after shot in rapid succession.) It's intense and they are both at Hors when there's a mechanical sound above them. They look up and a metal sphere drone is hovering directly above. Tony's eyes widen as his mom's horn honks. He runs for the car and the drone flies off. Chester watches it, rubbing his chin. Pax now knows Tony's location.
At Mabel's, she and Eugene are working on the miniature fusion reactor. Tiara is behind her office door with a client. Epsilon and Tiger are communicating, but Tiger doesn't understand where the voice is coming from (ususally Epsilon just gives telepathic commands that Tiger perceives as ideas). He looks in the mirror and imagines himself as a real tiger, pondering his name while drooling a puddle. Tiara's client is complaining about her pet's repeated bad behavior but is referring to herself. Tiara advises that repeating the desired behavior will help replace the undesired behavior. Suddenly, the energy project explodes, harming Mabel. Eugene carries her quickly towards the front door. Tiger understands that Eugene sliding on the puddle would be terrible so he pulls a jacket off a hook and covers the drool just as Eugene steps on it, racing ahead. Tiger delivers a clever pun. As he exits, Tiara opens her door because of the noise, Eugene tells her to meet her at the hospital as he runs to the car.
In the hospital, Mabel is unconscious with a steady heartbeat. Tiara and Eugene are with her. An effect that appears to transition through hospital rooms reveals that Travis is at the same hospital. He is looking at the results of his MRI. It shows that he has the implant, and he confidently makes a plan to have it surgically removed. Two Dark Pawns on motorcycles are outside the building.
Episode 12
A1: Myriam urges the class to be inclusive as she introduces the odd-looking new student, Paxson. Brad and Tony recognize his features as similar to Pax, and are intimidated by him. Paxson takes the spotlight in class, while Brad and Tony look at each other and join forces. Rex beats Pax in the hologarden for the first time. A biological A.I. spacecraft scrambles Rex’s spaceship, causing it to plummet. Brad prays like Myriam taught him and a Tall White (pro) UAP prevents his ship from crashing, but it’s disabled on the ground. The biological A.I. view the intervention as the Interstellar Federation’s entry into the war.
A2: Chester demands the military show him the hidden alien biologics, indicating his inclusion in the highest-security matter represents his permanent return to military duty. Tony uses his VR headset to overhear them discuss the possible need to stage a false war with US-made crafts of reverse-engineered technology to distract the political push for Disclosure. Tony changes his VR location to a new highest-security area and sees Ben being escorted by Light Pawns. They lead him to a spectacular real UAP and three Tall Whites (pro) are beside it. Sammy uses remote viewing to arrive at “the womb” particle collider and sees Dark Pawns, biological A.I., and Tall Whites (anti). He witnesses the arrival of a hybrid A.I., its eyes not glowing. He’s shocked and snaps out of it then looks through his mail to find the DNA results. Brad and Myriam’s DNA are an exact match.
A3: Brad is stressed thinking how he can help Rex. Sammy confronts him about the DNA, but assures Brad he’ll keep the secret and help him find his dad. Luna is upset that the DoD altered the Schumer Bill, slowing the Disclosure process, and her emotions trigger an issue with her pregnancy that needs attention. Tiara telephones Brad’s house and alerts them about Mabel’s condition, and they all go to the hospital. Rex is vulnerable on the ground in the woods, and there are hunters nearby. Epsilon follows Rex from the trees above and telepathically scrambles the memory of anyone that sees Rex. The abductee, Betty, is returned to Earth and witnesses a hybrid A.I. being escorted out of a hidden cave. She sees its glowing eyes. Biological A.I. spacecraft are in the sky. Brad is with an unconscious Mabel at the hospital. Her heartbeat slows and flatlines, and her soul begins to leave her body. Brad summons immense energy that causes him to vibrate and levitate. He uses the energetic power to draw Mabel’s soul back into her body and her heartbeat returns. She opens her eyes to see him levitating, says his name, he says hers, Rex appears, startles Brad, and he trips towards an open window, hanging over the sill’s edge. Mabel pulls him back inside, sees he’s nervous about being exposed, and she reassures him she’ll keep the secret. She kisses his cheek and they hug. Rex learns about the emotion love. Eugene, Tiara, and Tiger enter the room and are relieved to see Mabel on her feet. Linda is with Travis in another room of the hospital as he prepares to have the implant extracted. Before anesthesia he witnesses in the distance through the window the same teleportal effect that he has, and he sees Big Foot next to it. A telepathic exchange tells Travis that early apemen were abducted by the biological A.I. aliens too. He realizes the implants do allow for teleportation and that the biological A.I. put implants in early apemen also. He stops the surgery. (Note for future that the implant also allows him to see the glowing eyes of the hybrid A.I.) Myriam sits by a sleeping Luna in a different room in the hospital. She sees the crafts in the sky of the biological A.I. They suddenly fly off due to the appearance of the luminous UAP of the Tall Whites (pro). She regards them as protective angels.
In class, Myriam stresses the importance of inclusivity before introducing the new (unusual-looking) student, Paxson. He struts in like a boss, intimidating both Brad and Tony, who both recognize the similarity to Pax. Paxson does a dance then takes a seat. Brad and Tony look at each other. Brad telepathically offers reconciliation, Tony nods, and they fist bump. Brad is wondering why Mabel isn’t in class.
In the hologarden, Pax brags about his son's superiority over Brad. Rex challenges him to a battle. In the midst of Pax dealing a death blow, where Rex is partially dematerializing, he quickly shifts momentum to use Pax's force against him, as in Jiu-Jitsu. Rex successfully reverses the death blow onto Pax. Rex wins the battle for the first time.
On his spaceship, Rex stands alone as Pax has already dematerialized. A Priori congratulates him as Epsilon ephasizes that it was a 1 in a million fluke. A Priori warns Rex that a biological A.I. spacecraft is approaching fast.
At the edge of space, a biological A.I. space craft engages with Rex's ship, scrambling the system and sending him in freefall towards Earth. Brad senses Rex's distress. Powerless, he says a prayer that he learned from Myriam. The UAP of the Tall Whites (pro) intervene to prevent the ground impact, saving Rex. Because the Tall White (pro) UAP saved a Small Grey, the Interstellar Federation is viewed by the biological A.I. as having engaged in the war.
Chester is at the secret facility with the US-made craft of reverse-engineered UFO material. He argues with another military man of equal rank. Chester wants to see the so-called biologics and the other man tells him he wasn't informed yet because they didn't know how long he'd be pulled out of retirement. Chester confirms that if they let him know everything then they can consider him back in.
In his bedroom, Tony puts on the VR headset and navigates to the same facility. He sees Chester and the other man talking.
POV Tony's VR via surveillance cameras, Chester and the other military man are now referring to the gutted Schumer bill, indicating that they need to let out the slack slowly while keeping full control of the UAP-related intel. If the legislative body pushes them too hard then they'll need to create a new distraction: A staged war against UFOs that are US-made with reverse-engineered technology. Tony navigates to another area in the building within the POV VR headset. He lands in an area he's never been in before, cautiously looking around. He explores to a door that is gaurded by military personelle. They don't see him so he walks past them and through the door without needing to open it. It's an empty hallway with footsteps getting louder. Turning around a corner and approaching is Ben flanked by two Light Pawns. The three walk right through Tony. He follows them as they pass another gaurded doorway. Tony follows through to a grand space with a spectacular real UAP craft. Ben is taken to it, where there are also three Tall Whites (pro). One of them looks towards Tony and looks back towards Ben.
In his basement bedroom, Sammy uses remote viewing to go to the underground facility "the womb." As he scribbles drawings on paper and writes words to describe what he sees, he notes the large machine with Dark Pawns, biological A.I. aliens, and Tall Whites (anti) next to a chamber. Flashing lights and energy illuminate it and a canister appears. They remove it and open the canister. A hybrid A.I. is guided out, eyes closed. It opens its eyes, they are not glowing. It looks like a regular man with no hair. Sammy snaps out of the session, paces the room, then shuffles through some mail on his table. The DNA results regarding Myriam's hair have arrived and are an exact match of Brad's recognizable half of DNA. Sammy is shocked yet has a sense as though he knew it all along: "I AM Uncle Sammy!" He goes upstairs.
Upstairs at home, Brad is pacing in the living area strategizing how he'll find his dad. Sammy emerges and engages peacefully regarding the DNA test, and that he knows Brad's secret. He assures him he'll keep the secret. After Brad confides, Sammy agrees to help Brad find Rex.
Just then, Myriam and Luna enter the home. Luna is frustrated and in disbelief because the DoD gutted an important part of the Schumer bill (FY2024 NDAA UAP Signed). Luna's emotions trigger an uneasy feeling in her womb, alarming them both. Myriam tells Brad to quickly get her phone so she can call the doctor just as it starts to ring. Brad answers. It is Tiara calling to inform them that Mabel had a bad accident and is in the hospital. Luna's pain increases so Sammy drives everybody to the hospital.
On the ground in the woods, Rex's ship is disabled. He signals for help but due to the war, the closest assistance will take a long time to arrive to get him. There are some hunters in the area so Rex hides; he is vulnerable. Epsilon is in the trees above, following Rex, jumping branch to branch. Finding that his telepathy upgrade works on humans, he telepathically scrambles the memory of anyone who sees Rex so they don't know they just saw an alien.
In a remote hillside at dusk, the abducted woman from Ep10 Act2, Betty, comes to next to an open teleportal. She has ringing in her ears as the teleportal closes to a green dot light. She looks around and hears noises coming from a hidden cave. A hairless hybrid A.I. is escorted out of the cave by small childlike beings. She sees the glowing eyes of the hybrid A.I. A small fleet of biological A.I. fly across the sky. Motorcycle engines in the distance fade in then come to a stop. On the road far off there are two Dark Pawns on their bikes.
At the hospital, Mabel is unconscious with Brad sitting next to her. The heart monitor is steady but then the rate decreases. He gets very concerned, standing up and checking the equipment. The beeping slows to a stop; she's flatlining. Brad panics as he sees the luminescent shimmering energy of her soul stretching up out of her body. He closes his eyes and meditates so hard that his body is vibrating rapidly as he levitates above the foot of the bed. His essense glows brightly, filling the room with energy. (Ref. to Ep1 Act3) He thinks to himself: “I pray the Lord her soul she keeps!” He directs it to her soul and funnels her luminescent energy back into her body. The beeping resumes. She opens her eyes to see Brad levitating and vibrating with energy: "Brad?" He opens his eyes in surprise as he drops to the floor and stands to his feet rapidly: "Mabel?!" Rex suddenly appears due to the similarity of her name to the word "maple." Brad is startled by Rex's sudden appearance causing him to trip towards an open window. His momentum takes him nearly over the sill completely. Teetering, Mabel pulls him back in the room. She asks what happened and he says her project exploded, but she's referring to just now. She sees he is hesitant and doesn't know what to say. She takes his hands, says thank you, and kisses him on the cheek. They hug. Rex has a melty smile on his face. A Priori interjects to Rex that the emotion he is sensing is love. Mabel acknowledges that her project exploded and continues: "Just a minor setback." Tiara, Eugene, and Tiger enter the room, see she's on her feet, and assume it's time to go home. Tiger makes a pun.
In the hospital, Linda is with Travis as he's about to get surgery to remove the implant. He's relieved that it will be the end of the ear ringing and teleportals, even though he had fun with it sometimes. The moment before the gas mask anesthesia is placed on his face, a flashing light far outside the window attracts his attention. Next to a teleportal, he sees Big Foot. From a distance, their eyes meet. This is the first time Travis has seen someone/something else use a teleportal. He has a telepathic vision: The scene from Ep10 Act1 where the biological A.I. craft is above the ape-men; but now, a beam of light draws one of the ape-men into the spacecraft. A telepathic communication between Travis and the hairy bi-ped indicates the Earth is alive as the summation of all souls that live on her, and that the human trajectory of negativity must shift because she is suffering greatly. Then, Big Foot puts his hands to his head due to ringing and dives into the teleportal. Just as the gas mask touches his face, Travis: "Wait!" He looks to the camera: "What the...?" Travis realizes the implant does allow for teleportation and that the biological A.I. put implants in ape-men as well. (Note for future that the implant also allows him to see the glowing eyes of the hybrid A.I.)
Nighttime in the hospital, Luna is napping in a hospital bed with Myriam sitting by her side. The glowing lights of the biological A.I. crafts attract her attention. She watches as Tall White (pro) luminescent UAP materialize in the vicinity. The biological A.I. crafts zoom off rapidly. The luminous UAP remain in the sky, taking the same formation as those in Ep3 Act1. She feels that they are protective angels.